Nassau, Bahamas — Breaking News coming into Bahamas Press sends shock waves through our organization. BP, who is sitting in the Topaz Lounge at this hour sipping on some warm spirits, could hear the rumbling upstairs in the Prince Hall Lodge chambers on the top of the Hill of Blue Hill Road.
Shortly after noon today, members of the leadership of the fraternity expelled Rev. Fr. Stephen Davis following a dangerous witch-hunt inside the Lodge.
BP can confirm Fr. Davies received his expulsion letter little around 12:30 PM from an agent of the Grand Master, who sources tell us, is becoming more and more ‘vicked’ by the hour.
Carl Culmer has suspended more than 7 FNMs out of the organization for what he alleges to be for SWEETHEARTING in the organization. Amazingly, while the ‘sweethearters’ are being suspended, the BIGTIME KNOWN SISSIES are walking around on their toes getting a pass. When can a Grand Master decide who can and cannot be in a lodge member’s bed? WHAT THE HELL IS THIS? WHAT KIND A SOCIETY IS THIS?
Once source tell us, a KNOWN SISSY wanted by the Americans for fraud, “knows all the business of the Prince Hall organization, before we the members know. That KNOWN SISSY also knows who was to get expelled before we did.” WHAT A DAMN SHAME!
Bahamas Press calls on members to break up the organization before further damage and disdain befall the Nassau autonomous organization.
Where is Orthland Bodie in all this; isn’t he said to be a BIGTIME Mason? MUMs the WORD! We wonder if this is his organization now in the news and if so, why is he so quiet to the topic?
Why as Mason are we on the internet with all this foolishness,where are the Brotherly love and who is doing this needs to stop.
Bros. Whats going on when did we beome an institution that allowed cowans and eavesdroppers to know what goes on in KST. Check ourselves and do that which is right darkness has no place with light
I didn’t priest were members of Satanic Places like the Lodge. WOW
B P, some of these people posting, come across very threatening, warning you to be careful. I wonder why.
Krossova we have been on high alert long before this story. BE CAREFUL? They better be careful how they approach BP.
well this should be the end after our meeting last night. I hope all Brothers and Sisters will keep there mouth and stop talking about people if you can not help them.I hope the Grand Master notice he does not have much friends around Prince Hall and in my Lodge St James No:3.Grand Master Keep Clear of the following persons; Fred Ferguson, R.Francis,Karr, Ann Stubbs, E. Mackey,Tyrone Peaterson,N Higgens,G Hyler,and Stell Knowles,Vaughan Jones, Vaughan Bethel and a lot more.
B.P.I just wondering why we think this is Media worthy? We got out serious problem rather than what the lodge doing. Prince Hall suppose to be a secrete society of good men… Well BAM!!! Someone in your ranks is a snitch Tyrone Peaterson,Fred Ferguson,LaGloria Davis.Keep Clear.
I am Glad that brother Basil Sands has decided to take a stand regarding the Grand master Carl Culmer. he has agreed with all of the person who was Expelled except brother Davies.I was told that there a few more to go. God shall whipe a way all tears this is our funeral hymn It’s a sad day.
Anyone who knows Carl should not complain, he was always a power hungry freak trying to control everything that he puts his hands on. Don’t blame him for what he’s doing, blame Royal Eagle #1, it was them who fast tracked him to the various offices he held, at the Grand lodge level, blame all the lodges that supported him. You reap only what you sow. In my day, he and Charles Sands campaigned to get rid of me because the then cabinet in Columbus was not supporting them, but I blame Columbus for this, they were the ones casting ballots. People, please stop the madness, you were all aware that Carl Culmer is a mental case. So mote it be.
Columbus, if you need a cooler for Carl Culmer, call Farther Basil Tynes from St. Barnabas. Father, sent Carl packing when he tried crossing over in Farther’s lane. That is the reason for Carl leaving St. Barnabas – a God fearing man dealt with his backside (in the godly way).
Everybody believes in God…the problem comes when we had to follow HIS LAWS.
It like most Bahamians believes the PM when he says he is going to do something…the problem comes when we find out how he is going to do the thing.
This political climate is revealing a lot of thing in our wonderful country.
There only seems to be two political parties to choose from; PLP or FNM (forget about the other jokers).
Bahamian politics seems to be like the married man who knows his wife is cheating….but his sweetheart is married too.
Everybody believes in God…the problem comes when we had to follow HIS LAWS.
It like most Bahamians believes the PM when he says he is going to do something…the problem comes when we find out how he is going to do the thing.
This political climate is revealing a lot of thing in our wonderful country.
There only seems to be to parties to chose from PLP or FNM (forget about the other jokers).
We seems to be like the married man who knows his wife is cheating….but his sweetheart is married too.
To ‘Truth’…come now…don’t you know that the DEVIL himself believes in GOD?????
Wow this is crazy. I always thought the Lodge was an honourable society. But if this is what it has come to I will never look their way. Phone tapping etc. If this is true this guy needs to be investigated. I don’t care what organization your in. If your listening to peoples phone conversations that is illegal in every sense of the word. It really makes you wonder in this place call the Bahamas. Wicked people in high places.
BP, all the nasty name calling against gays is unbecoming. If you hate gays on a religious basis at least you can take out the vicious nature of your name calling so that you can appear to be righteous. Homosexuality is like adultery? Wow. That’s what they said about mixing the races. Grow up and stick to the facts. Are you here to report so we can decide or to perpetuate harmful discrimination against gays?
Tell that to Carl Culmer, Why is he suspending FNMs all the damn sissies around him?
I don’t understand when you say the Merry men. You mentioned some women’s names. I thought Lodge was separate for men and women. I’m not to versed on this stuff. Can you clarify? I mean if this is a Lodge issue with the men how are these women involved in any of the processes?
who gives a rats ***
I hope you know what you are doing Sister Ann , Brother Jones,and Company BEWARE!!!!
Carl Culmer, Leslie M.Dean, Matt Mura, G.Hyler, D.William, Tyrone Petterson,K.Brathway,Tyrone Petterson, R.Francis, Myles LaRoda, Vaughan Jone, Kerr, C.Maynard,D.Maynard,R.King,James Brother Hutch, Ludella Sands, Alice Rolle Marlene Dorsette, Bridgewater, D.Sherman,Linda Moxey-Brown, L.Davis,
what does this mean ” merry men “. I am a Mason and i do know that culer,brathway,maura,dean, hutch and king are all one in the same ” WOMEN “
This is a disgrace when the fraternity ends up in the public perview and persons are allowed to say any old garbage. The fraternity is made up of good men and ones christianity should not be questioned. The brothers on the hill need to take their dirty laundry out of the public.
Well BP. I hope Sister Ann stubbs, Broter Vaughan Jones and Company has money when it’s all over.
So what’s this good Rev. doing in the the Lodge? Isn’t that operating on two sides of the fence? I’ve heard some wild stories about these Lodge organizations, but only stories as they are soo secretive I’m not persuaded that it has anything to do with God/Christianity!
@IKB for you to be a memeber of lodge any freemason lodge you must believe in God.
BP, you must be careful of this GM man. He is a professional telephone tapper. how else was he so sure of the sweethearting from the brothers. he spend his evenings sitting and listening to people cell phone calls and recording them for his colleagues in Govnernment. He has been doing that for years because of his background in the telephone company.
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