Fred Smith and Joe Darville’s comments are “Criminally Libelous” Immigration Minister confirm


GBHRA comments “criminally libelous”

By Hon. Fred Mitchell/Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration

Hon. Fred Mitchell
Louis Bacon's man for Save the Bays/Protect Clifton Bay who put Prime Minister Christie and members of his cabinet in court is now making statements that are siditious, and 'criminally libelous".

The media has brought to my attention that the Grand Bahama Human Rights Association (GBHRA) reportedly headed by Mr. Fred Smith QC and Mr. Joseph Darville has reportedly characterized conditions at the Carmichael Road Detention Center as reminiscent of Auschwitz, a German concentration camp or more specifically, “Auschwitz in The Bahamas.”

This is a special and peculiar form of political madness.

For the edification of the general public, Auschwitz was a network of German Nazi concentration camps where Jews and other political prisoners were gassed to death; executed by firing squad; butchered in the name of medical experimentation and generally exterminated through mass murder. The German government denied any involvement in these atrocities called crimes against humanity.

Mr. Smith and Mr. Darville are alleging by their characterization that the government of the Bahamas is involved in these kinds of activities as part of the enforcement of this country’s immigration policy. The allegations made are false and outrageous and there is not one scintilla of evidence to support these outrageous allegations.

These unfortunate comments are viewed as criminally libelous and the Commissioner of Police must investigate what the GBHRA mean by their remarks.
