Fredrick A. McAlpine is a DAMN LIAR and Bahamas Press will prove it!


042270000<<<Senator Fredrick A. McAlpine.

Nassau, Bahamas — There are liars and there are DAMN LIARS, Fredrick A. McAlpine is a DAMN LIAR and Bahamas Press will prove it!

On Thursday we reported that a Parliamentarian had beaten his wife and thrown her out of the martial home. We could not have reported that fast enough, McAlpine was on the steps of the Senate building surrounded by cub reporters suggesting that what was reported was not true!

He began crying with those DRY CROCODILE EYES of his saying this was vicious, saying this was wicked, saying it was a DAMN LIE perpetrated against him and his wife, the same woman he threw out in the cold and caused her to move to NASSAU to live with a relative.

Bahamas Press never falls for such tricks. DEFLECTION AND SPIN are the oldest tricks in the media business. We’ve see this kind of PRESS ABUSE before. The Wutless media in this country gets caught with their pants down in an attempt to cover up one of their blue eye boys, and so they all come out to push the lie by McAlpine. Andre Birbal’s incident was no different! The WUTLESS MEDIA came out to say there was NO CASE! You’ll remember that?

Well, Bahamas Press cannot help but finish what we started. Mind you, we never mentioned McAlpine’s name. We never said it was a reverend. We never said it was a Senator. We never said it was a PLP OR FNM! But the WUTLESS MEDIA went directly to him at the Senate steps. McAlpine told the WUTLESS MEDIA it was him we were after. And so we decided to call up the SIB files of McAlpine in the Royal Bahamas Police Force and see what he has on record, and BOY OHHHHHH BOY, where could we start?

Many of you cannot remember, but McAlpine started out as a wide mouth evangelist in Grand Bahamas. His following there was huge. That crowd which followed was larger than Myles Munroe’s following at the time. In fact so large was his following; McAlpine had a TV broadcast that was fed into the United States. Yes, the wide mouth preacher was BIG! Back then he was “DA MAN OF GOD!” But then something happened.

Now what happened to that big following and TV programme we don’t know, all his members left. The deacons left, the evangelist left, the junior ministers left. Even McAlpine’s first wife left. She could take the abuse of the reverend anymore and so she ran away. She was so desperate to get out of the life of Freddy, she left the church, she left the home, and she left the car, the dog and the cat in McAlpine’s care. She didn’t want anything to do with him and we wonder why?

According to records, the former Mrs. McAlpine #1 had filed many complains of abuse on the once popular reverend. And she could not take that abuse anymore. And so she filed and signed her divorce papers.

With his church falling apart and his family with it, McAlpine then decided to throw his hat into the political pot, saying like Job, what else do I have to lose. He was a platform speaker for the late Sir Lynden Pindling on the political circuit in the 1992 election platform. Yes many may not remember, but McAlpine blasted Hubert Ingraham. One time he called Hubert a name that has stuck on him to this day, “THE DEVIL”. And on the eve of 1997 when Pindling resigned the election win to his protégé Hubert, McAlpine was the keynote speaker at the University of Wulff Road that historic night.

On stage that night, the reverend was preaching on the PLP pulpit saying, “We are fighting for the soul of the nation!” and added, “I am PLP and Proud!” The party to him wasn’t a band of “LIMP-WRISTED” warriors then. Hmmmmmmm!

Sometime before that McAlpine was mad. He was angry with Hubert. In fact, McAlpine had lost his church building and Hubert took that same church building and turned it into the Office of the Prime Minister on Grand Bahama.

My, my look how the times have changed. Now McAlpine is an FNM Senator and he’s preaching from the book according to Hubert. Now how did this conversion happen? We will give details, which will confirm that REV. Fredrick A. McAlpine is a DAMN LIAR LIKE HIS LEADER MUGABE!

He told a LIE from the PITS OF HELL at the front door of the Senate building! He LIED TO THE WUTLESS MEDIA, and they pushed it. AND HE LIED TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC ON NATIONAL TV! Stay tuned we will tell more as we move onto the next page of his SIB file.


  1. @Russell Johnson

    Thanks Russell, for backing me on this one. I have so much important things on my plate that needs to be dealt with that I don’t have the time to be penetrating foolishness. With some serious anger management classes, I have a feeling Smiley will be alright.

  2. To our dismay, Freddie aint going no where! he may still get a nomination nod in GB from HAI!

  3. @Smiley
    Man Smiley sound like you and Freddie them head in the same bag looking out a different hole. One thing with a bullshitter, if you keep telling the same old story for so long after a while you start to believe it too but keep in mind “Ya could fool some of the people some of the time but ya can’t fool all the people all the time” The time you take to be covering for Freddie you need to utilize some of that time and seek professional help for Freddie and Mrs. McAlpine cause if she could come on national tv and lie to protect him after what he did to her, she need some help too. So if you’re truly a friend of Freddie you should know Freddie needed help for lil while nah. STOP fueling this type of behaviour before you end up needing professional help too.

  4. @Smiley
    I saw your silohoeuetet first now you come on using a pseudonym but welcome to the place for news.I read where a relative female of yours Nicole lives with you and the wife wants her out,what do you say about that?Every Bahamian of prominence has an SIB file so think about that.While you are hear please explain why you said no bruises as it rem,inded jme of when M ike Tyson raped the young lady.Leave Kim Sands alone as she is not your wife and I will not allow you to verbally beat up on her.I agree Rev is ugly and his marriage can be described as BEAUTY AND THE BEAST.Since you and your supporters are now monitoring this site answer the questions about you being a sissy and wife beater whether verbally or psychically.Is another female living in your home who is not your wife?The press read this blog and finally found news that they didi not have to search for.I note that Turnquest from the land and ASurvey scandal was also there and he reported that the Police were called.Please explain that rather than trying to deflect.How come you did not attack me and the other bloggers by name but picked on the female?You have really pissed me off but will find that I am so very nice but also very rude and aggressive when the need arises.Now get lost unless you apologise.

  5. @Smiley

    Smiley, instead of you having to make up things about me, let me tell you who I am. This is a woman who loves herself too much to deal with a man beating and cheating on her. A woman who believe in doing things for her and don’t like being at the mercy of no man. A woman who is not afraid to give a man his walking paper if he is not doing right by her. This is a woman who is very comfortable in her own skin. I hope this bit of information was very helpful.

  6. Hey Smiley you are defending FAM and oh yes i was told he filed in the first divorce because she left him. The reasons we was told why she left is the same sisters in the church that is giving the second wife problems. Also he has a child born that isn’t the first wife or second wife child. Less we forget this is the same man that ridicule other people and you of all people didnot remember their child or family. What goes around comes around my brother. He came out and dispute this accusation because he know it is him. Why was the Police called in for domestic violence?

  7. @media

    Media, I don’t know why these people mixing me up in their business, because everybody on here made their comment about what they thought about the allegations and if you read most of the comments hardly nobody came to Frederick McAlphine defense. That would tell you a lot about him as person. Instead I learned about his infidelity and the many reasons why Mrs. McAlphine should not return to their marital home. This person came on here claiming they know me or they will have to make something up, See this person look like they have time for games. If they really know me one thing they should know is I don’t have much tolerance when it comes to foolishness. Don’t get me wrong I am very sweet person, but I could be a ***** when I get ready. I really hate too show that other part of me.

  8. @Smiley

    You could say what you want about me, but aint nobody knows me better than me and people opinions about me don’t move me. Let get one thing straight, I might come across as being negative, because this is a very negative situation to be discussing. If the beaten did not take place, why would McAlphine and his wife run on TV feeling the need to defend themselves? When no name was even called to begin with. Don’t blame me for not thinking about their children, when they should have been the ones to think about them before they made their TV appearances. Before they when on TV, nobody even knew who they were. Anyway, you want sound like a family member or a friend of the McAlphines so I expect you to be on here blaming everybody else, but them for the problems they are having in their marriage.

  9. @smiley
    just for the record, I’m going to stand behind my original statement that McAlpine is a COMPLETE BOZO.

  10. You can call me what you like I’ll be happy to accept. BUT ask yourself this WHO called the press conference. Do you think being busy in Senate all morning he would have had time. It could have been you’ll who set him up. Also, I agree you might not have called any name but from all articles you have the wrong man accused. You should be happy I am defending them at least I gave you accurate information and not incorrect one. Listen the people scarred they see him coming and they see what ahead for his political career so of course you guys and I mean all the press would want to stir up confusion but you know what at the end of it all He is CHOSEN and they will overcome all this negativity. So “say what ya like do what ya like still gat ya going my wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.”BP

  11. It is so sad when we as a people especially in a Independent country has nothing better to do than sit around and trash one another. Rev. McAlpine has fought so hard and spoken out for so many of the Bahamian people but yet all we can concern our selves about it who hit who. Do any of you realize how that can affect a family these people have children and it seems as if you all really don’t care. Why don’t we try and report accurate facts and not just make up stuff. This site seems as if they know sooooo much but you said and I quote “oh boy oh boy where could we start” but you never said anything why was that was it because all your report spoke about was his church back in the day and guess what eveybody knows the story and what your SIB connection couldn’t give you the correct story on his first divorce which was he filed. OH let me say this the SIB cannot give you any files because WHY there isn’t any and guess what else its against the law if they were to give any. Also, for those who says she was not in church SHE actually was front and centre (smoke that). Do I need to go on for you BP and the famous Kim Sands and everyone else whose being negative. I don’t want to have anyone feel I am defending them but did you all know that despite Mrs. McAlpine was a former beauty queen she was also a former officer and trained at that, did you know that she can defend herself but why should she have to if she told you that she has never been abused by her husband. I think and hey this is just my opinion the time you take to report misinformation you should speak personally to all parties concerned and also think about it if this was your mom, sister, daughter or neice would you want to be all over the tabloids, would you want them to make such accusations. Don’t you think you ought to take a step back and put yourselves in their shoes….. AND AS FOR YOU KIM SANDS I KNOW WHO YOU REALLY ARE WOULD YOU WANT ME TO TELL YOUR SECRET OR BETTER YET MAKE UP SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

    • You know Smiley {AKA McAlPINE defender} we at BP loves when people like you come and attempt to cloud your spin on behalf of someone the public now sees as a DAMN LIAR! But whilst you come on here, you should ask McAlpine, why did he come out to the press and say what he said? See, we never said it was him. NEVER! We never even gave an hint it was him. We didn’t use his famous; Sugar, Honey, Ice, Tea phrase. So why did he put himself in this crossfire? You will soon find out!

      Bahamas Press/Editor

  12. @tan
    ugly lasts forever too my friend. this is just me, but i rather wake up next to her than deal with the most sensible mash up gussie mae.

  13. Guys, I was right here thinking on this August Monday Holiday, if a man beat the crap out of me and I know quite well the neighbors saw him choking me, if I would have been able to bring myself to go on national TV and defend him. I just can’t see me doing that. When he called me and asked me to make an appearance with him to refute those allegations, when he knows better than anyone else how he beat and choke me and then throw me out off my home. I would have been like, honey you know you can count on me, what time is the press conference? I could hardly wait to see you again, how was things since I’ve been gone? Then when I finally got to the press conference I would have been looking pretty and smiling, because know once I get that microphone in my hands, it’s all over. I was going to expose that bastard and let everybody know what a hypocrite he is. Beating up on his wife and playing with God! He should have had a woman like me to deal with, Glennis is be joking with this ugly man.


  15. Bahamian men always lie when they get caught. You have to confront them with evidence and even then they try to maneouvre their way out of it. FAM is no different. BP gotta give them all the goods for them to fess up. Well, its free reign BP. Do what you gotta do and let the chips fall where they may. Sad that the Mrs. has to go through this. This will of course will help her with her divorce petition because she may not have been in a position to collect the evidence herself.

  16. There’s breaking news coming from deep inside the PLP, we are analyzing this update and will publish our update shortly.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  17. @Hardcore FNM
    But the wife beater is a reformed PLP like HAI who is FNM and they cant turn back.I love your style though as you are steeped in Ingramism.Hope you were not at Trinity Hall in 2002 when the FNM council caused HAI to return from Caricom as they were about to depose him as FNM Leader.How do you feel about Big Moe for publicly criticising HAI in 2002,for the same style he is using now?I agree with you that Rev has got to go ,but go where?PLPs dont want him as they might feel he caused them the Gen Elects as Freeport returned to the FNM.Is Rev a liability or asset?

  18. @Trinity
    Please don’t lower your standard by stooping to an all time low engaged in an idiotic conversation with Hardcore FNM…Ignorance is bliss because it’s easier to support something blindly than exploring all the options. Do you know the definition of Hardcore…”Stubbornly resistant to improvement or change”. So please don’t ever let me catch you running on with that total a$$.

  19. Women are strange creatures that no man has been able to figure out so lets wait for Mrs Alphine to give us the true story bcos when she does Rev is finished.She was not at church bcos she now lives in Nassau and her family is counselling her.Remember the situation with Rihanna?She initially denied being beaten but in her case she had a black eye.Rev made sure and mentioned in his press conference that his wife had no bruises(that we could see).Mrs Martin is a former Policewoman who am certain met with her Police colleagues here in Nassau and they would also have advised her to speak the truth as she is not the first woman to be beaten by a man.wHEN i WAS YOUNGER AND IMMATURE i HAD A GIRLFRIEND WHO WAS BEATEN BY MY OTHER COMPETITOR AND HAD TO BE CHAINED DOWN FOR TWO DAYS BCOS i WANTED TO give him a good cut… that he would never have forgotten.I hope somebody chains Billy or Rev you will be getting yours.In all fairness I think Rev needs to resign fropmk the Senate as every Bahamain views him as a coward who takes advantage of women.I forgive you Rev now just come clean.Every Bahamian man is jealous of their women but viol,ence does not change her sex appeal only us and the way we treat them.Keep the honeymoon forever and that kills any insecurities you have .Right Rev?

  20. media :
    Bahamas Press stealth agents are on the ground on Grand Bahamas and they tell us Mrs. Glennis McAlpine was no way near Fred McAlpine Ministries today in Pioneers loop next to Gully’s Liquor store in Freeport. Yes, BP was right in the church in a praise today.
    Our agents tell us when they arrived at the service, the LIAR was in the pulpit preaching to a 90% women audience. Of all the women persent Mrs. McAlpine was no where in or near the storefront church. Hmmmmmm!
    Now this is interesting because Bahamas Press knows that she was kicked out of the home in Grand Bahama. We also know she is now living with relatives right here in Nassau. So why did she agree with the senator and say this is some LIE perpetrated against them? WHY?
    And why would people sit in a church knowing what the minister said to the Nation was NOT TRUE? And why would he say something like that if he knew what is being reported is indeed true? Even the Wutless Dutty TOILET PAPER {Tribune} agreed that a domestic complaint was made against Fredrick McAlpine.
    Now here again we say, if this was a PLP, dog would’ve eaten his or her lunch, but watch what will happen when BP roll out the rest of this story.
    Bahamas Press/Editor

    Can someone tell me why HAI made him senator? didnt HAI know that Freddie is damaged goods? Everyone knows he was rejected by the PLP, so why didnt HAI do his homework before giving this man a position in the senate?

    I wonder what he did for HAI?

  21. Hard Core FNM, It was your leader who told him to make a statement. He was expecting the media to come thats why his wife was there. Im sorry but If HAI is your beloved leader, maybe you can ask hi yourself. You see, What leader picks up a potcake and have him in your campaign to smare the opposite then award the FAG/woman beater/womanizer/school girl lover too…Remember when he had the Hawksbill High gals had the Rev on lock not even his first wife…So sad now he is an FNM Senator covered up b The Prime Minister and the FNM toilet paper Media. a word to the FNM. Stop collecting PLP trash, they through them out for a reason. I Hereby call for his resignation or more will be exposed!!

  22. Sorry Glennis honey, I was calling you Gwen earlier, that’s how I go, I am always mixing up people’s name. I don’t blame you for not attending that church service today, knowing your husband is a hypocrite. He lucky he was able to get you to go on TV with him and lie after beating you and throwing you out off your home. He knows just what he did to you and he still has the nerve to go and conduct his church service today after knowing what he did. Some people just don’t have any shame! He believe them women in his church stupid because all of them showed up, but I believe they gone there with the intention of studying his facial expression and body language and they wanted to see if you would have been by his side today. You know everybody little curious and want know what is really going on behind the scenes. I am glad you draw the line and decided not to continue to allow this wicked bastard make a mockery of you today.

  23. I was very surprised to see him on T.V that night because i had just read the story earlier that day, and was trying to figure out who this “woman beater” was because BP did not give a name, but this just goes to show conscience is a BRUT……

  24. Bahamas Press stealth agents are on the ground on Grand Bahamas and they tell us Mrs. Glennis McAlpine was no way near Fred McAlpine Ministries today in Pioneers loop next to Gully’s Liquor store in Freeport. Yes, BP was right in the church in a praise today.

    Our agents tell us when they arrived at the service, the LIAR was in the pulpit preaching to a 90% women audience. Of all the women persent Mrs. McAlpine was no where in or near the storefront church. Hmmmmmm!

    Now this is interesting because Bahamas Press knows that she was kicked out of the home in Grand Bahama. We also know she is now living with relatives right here in Nassau. So why did she agree with the senator and say this is some LIE perpetrated against them? WHY?

    And why would people sit in a church knowing what the minister said to the Nation was NOT TRUE? And why would he say something like that if he knew what is being reported is indeed true? Even the Wutless Dutty TOILET PAPER {Tribune} agreed that a domestic complaint was made against Fredrick McAlpine.

    Now here again we say, if this was a PLP, dog would’ve eaten his or her lunch, but watch what will happen when BP roll out the rest of this story.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  25. Although it is very entertaining it makes no sense to argue about Perry or Hubert. The only thing I see both men being very successful at is their ability to get people to fight and argue on their behalf. When they know within themselves they are not worth it.

  26. Simply the best maybe. The best at what….SELLING OUT!!! Putting Bahamians on the back burner…..Man please. He is the best awful PM we’ve ever had.

  27. @Trinity
    I sicken you? VELL MUDDO, well if I sickens you, Christie mussy causing you to dead ech? I sicken you? Man catch your self here and go take a Christie pill. Perhaps his lazy pill will cause you to sleep just like him.


  28. I am arguing in the favour of principles and integrity. Look around you..people are out here struggling and you have the audacity to hail HAI as if he is some chief. He don’t give a SH** about you. I know they are good friends. That doesnt matter to me. What matters to me is how comfortable HAI is with failing this country, walking around with his ugly smirk, and that nasty denture smile. People that defend him sicken me.

  29. Look yall (Trinity and Hardcore FNM) Perry and Hubert are good friends and will always be….when we are mad at them, behind the scenes they are clinging Champagne to the good life….but yall made my night arguing about them… for real!!!

  30. Well the Rt. Hon. Hubert Ingraham is doing such a great job, we can’t hear a LICK from Christie? What ya think about that? Is it satisfaction or plain scary cat?

  31. Yeah, and you go deal with your worthless, good-for-nothing, spiteful, vindictive, hateful PM. People only follow him because they recognize what happens to people that don’t. That makes them cowards. The real people are the ones out there ready, willing and able to stand up and CALL HAI what he is. WORTHLESS!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!

  32. Worthless Shell? You want know who is a wutless shell? That same man this website calls PUSSY CAT! He couldn’t find the balls to FIRE dem corrupt band of *********s in politics. At least the people of this country know, WHEN Ingraham do something, BALLs behind it.

    Go deal with that LAZY, WUTLESS, scary pussy cat no one wishes to follow. Well not me for sure!

  33. AND I’m not serious? Oh dear I must have struck a nerve. Don’t worry, I am done. Sorry to hurt your feelings. The facts are just that. He is proving himself to be exactly what he is. A WORTHLESS SHELL OF A MAN!!! TRUST THAT!!!!

  34. @Hardcore FNM
    I wasn’t looking for a conversation my dear. Hmmm, your PM. A man who would sell anything to anyone but Bahamians, so we don’t advance. He doesn’t care one bit about the Bahamian people. How is it that under his leadership the rich get richer and the poor, poorer. Hmmm, your PM, Mr Proven Leadership himself who stated that he is at a loss for how to deal with our economy. Your PM sir/madam, whatever, a man without integrity, yet he asked for trust. Your PM, puts his own people in places that have no qualifications to be in, but to hell with those who are. Your PM has victimized anyone who dare oppose him. Your PM would easily transform one of the last beaches we can enjoy just to satisfy his major supporters. Does anyone remember Clifton and how eager HAI was to just destroy and let go of our heritage. WAKE THE F UP? Please, don’t get me started on this man. You need to stop being ignorant and call it exactly what it is. You have to be living under a under a rock to say anything great about this man, who has also stated by the way that he thinks that Bahamians cannot do the things he requires, and thus must search beyond our borders in order to find qualified people. You must fall into a category that is satisfied with feelings of mediocrity, because all YOUR PM does is denigrate and put down all things Bahamian when it is those same people that are suffering the most that put him there.

  35. @Trinity
    Don’t get MY PM in yinner mix Trinity. GO DEAL WITH CHRISTIE then talk about MY PRIME MINISTER! Don’t mess with him, BOY!!!!!!!!!

  36. @Altec
    I thoroughly agree. The people in the HOA seem to be the only ones with secure jobs. They are screwing up left and right, and there is no recourse. Why give them a free pass when everyone is suffering. We are being bamboozled every day. There is NOTHING anyone can say to me at this point that can justify Andre Birbal not sitting in a cell in HMP right now. We keep letting these politicians slide. Look at the state of this country. This man, a reverend no less, should not be in any position to have any say in the HOA. I say carry Carl Bethel, Zhivargo Laing, Brent Symmonette, Tommy T, and Earl Deveaux need to go…and take their worthless PM with them…

  37. These politicians so bold, 5 kalik says he wont resign. After that scam with John Travolta, Obie should go too. Carl Bethel covered up the Bribel case, he needs to go as well. Then you have Laing playing like he is a customs agent with the Mona V drink. We have a bunch of crooks in the HOA!

    Only in the Bahamas can politicians brake the law or take advantage of people and not lose their job as MP’s/sentors. If he has any ounce of integrity left, he will do the right thing and step down first thing Tuesday morning.

    We need another method of recalling MP’s, senators, and PM other than the 5 yr general election process.

  38. Gwen honey, I know earlier I was trying to encourage you to stand by your man and show the world you love him, but you need to scratch that. I only encouraged you because you were denying that you were being abused, but most battered women who lives in the public eyes don’t like people knowing they are victim of abuse, they tend to be embarrassed. Honey, you have nothing to be embarrass about it is that animal who is beating up on a woman that should be embarrassed. All I want to say is if this man is cheating and abusing you, he can’t really loves you and you need to stop protecting him and get the hell out of this marriage. Honey, I have another song for you, it’s by Karyn White and I really hope you enjoy it.

    I’d Rather Be Alone

    I dont wanna be a fool, I dont wanna be a fool for love
    No, no, I wont, no
    Hey, no, ooh…
    I know that people do go through changes, yeah
    But this just dont make no damn sense
    If were gonna keep sayin we love one another, yeah, yeah
    Well, then we better stop fightin and arguin
    Cause baby, Ive heard Im sorry too many, many times before
    Now I know better
    It hurts to hold on to this kind of love even more
    No, Im not crazy
    I wont be a fool, a fool for love
    Cause I know Id rather be alone than be here unhappy
    Im not gonna choose, choose for you
    Cause I know Id rather be alone than be here unhappy
    I know its time to go when I feel lonely
    When Im layin in your arms and it dont feel right, oh
    Cause every time I feelin up you try to bring me down
    So I feel good knowin I dont need you around
    Cause I know, I know that I can feel this bad all by myself, hoo, yeah
    And maybe thats my best bet
    Startin this time Im gonna think selfishly
    And never depend on someone else for keepin me happy, oh, no, no
    I wont be a fool, a fool for love
    Cause I know Id rather be alone than be here unhappy, oh, no
    Im not gonna choose, choose for you
    Cause I know Id rather be alone than be here unhappy, oh…
    I-I-I-I wont be a fool, a fool for love
    Cause I know Id rather be alone than be here unhappy
    Im not gonna choose, choose for you
    Cause I know Id rather be alone than be here unhappy, ooh, yeah
    Im never gonna be a fool for love
    Id rather be alone, just give it up
    Dont make no sense to be in love
    And be here unhappy, oh, no
    It might feel good on a lonely night
    But layin in your arms today aint right
    Id rather lose you than lose my mind

  39. Hardcore FNM :Well I wonder if that was red pepper or goat pepper, cause for a man to throw a Beauty queen out the house on the grass like that he must be a LIMP-WRISTED doodo boy!
    Those queens coming from around the world for Miss Universe gata be scared to come here, knowing we have a Senator who does beat ya up! MY GOODNESS!

    Hardchore FNM….lollllllll…..I with you. If I was a contestant I would be so scared to come here. To answer your question I think it was GOAT PEPPER…that is hotter than the regular pepper so it probably burn him dead bad and pissed him off ………

  40. Freddy McAlpine should be a shame of himself A leopard cannot change its spots he is just a total liar who treated his former wife like %#*@ so this abuse comes as no surprise I just feel sorry for his current wife for covering up for him …sweetie the more you protect him he will just stay in his zone of abuse and Infidelity. One thing I could say about Freddy is that he was always a good talker so when I saw him on the news I knew he would have wiggle out of that one and whats up with bringing up past media issues…Oh yea to take some of the spot light of him. Freddy you may think you bamboozle the people this time hahahaha it all in your head ma brother only in your head.

  41. I never liked this DAMN PLP! McAlpine was a PLP. I remember when he was foot and toe behind Pindling. One time he ran he said he had a higher call to politics and was to win. IT NEVER HAPPENED.

    Oh BP and I remember when he call our Leader The Rt. Honourable Hubert A. Ingraham ‘The Devil’, I HAD IT IN FOR HIM FROM THEN! Damn LIAR. DAMN WIFE BEATER, DAMN DODOO BIRD! TAKE DAT, BITCH!

  42. @WOW!
    I agree with both of you. Freddie should have kept his mouth shut. Some people dont know when to run to the media and when to hide from it.

    In Media’s last paragraph, he said “there is more to come” as this info was from his FIRST MARRIAGE. There is more media? Say it aint so!

    Give Freddie couple days to respond media. I want to see him refute your claims, plus let me give the WUTLESS MEDIA some home work – go find he first wife and get a response from her!

  43. The former Miss Bahamas should be one of the Ambassador’s for this pageant but she cant go an represent because he is afraid that the good guys will take her away. She is beauty and we know a good person (to stand up for a azz like FAM)Child he even don’t want her to work bcause he want to keep her down but my advice is go out there with your Bachelors and Msster Degree and use it to better your LIFE. Leave that thing because for your information he never finish high school. He will lie and say he did but ask him to prove it.
    Remember what goes around comes back to haunt you remember the campaign of 2007 remember Shane G.

  44. Wipe your face REv, Senator, Liar, because Sugar, Honey, Ice, Tea all over your face. HA Ha Ha. The last laugh is always sweeter.
    Now to the young wife run like hell. Billy, please go get your daughter from that scoundrel he is a no good peice of thing.

  45. Well I wonder if that was red pepper or goat pepper, cause for a man to throw a Beauty queen out the house on the grass like that he must be a LIMP-WRISTED doodo boy!

    Those queens coming from around the world for Miss Universe gata be scared to come here, knowing we have a Senator who does beat ya up! MY GOODNESS!

  46. Hardcore FNM :Well who put pepper in his vaseline?

    I think McAlpine wife put the pepper in the vaseline and that’s why he beat her up. That would piss off anybody….lol

  47. WOW! :When you throw a rock into a pack of potcakes, the one that cries out loud is the one that get hit!!!!! LOL

    Wow, in other words “hit dog will holla”…..lolllllllllllll…….this man prove his guilt to the nation. No on even called his name. Instead of talking about who hip was in who lap McAlpine should have been researching Anger Management classes.

  48. I have said this before and I will say it again: “The conscience of the accused is an investigator’s greatest weapon!”

    We watch the detective/mysteries time and again and exclaim that we wouldn’t be as stupid as the actor or actress and confess. That’s easy to say as a viewer or innocent bystander.

    If FAM is nothing else he is consistent.

    Betrayed God and ministry

    Betrayed Wife and mariage

    Betrayed his party

    And now the washed uo leftovers of PLP scraped up as potcake by the FNM contiunes in his cycle of embarresing escapades!!!

    Funny how BP had to roll back the curtains for me to even remmeber that he was once a minister – ouch.

  49. I can tell yall one ting….its about to get more interesting cuz during the campaign McAlpine had the most and the worst to say about other senators and memebers of parliament…and for someone who claims to be a man of God…he sure had nothing good or positive to say to build the nation…what goes around comes around…I tell ya payback is a bitch….I know his first wife and trust me I know wherever she is she is singing her praises to the father for getting out of the marriage….he is no saint, he is a womanizer to heart…Thats why she left…..those women he have around him then and now ain’t going no where…so for you all who dont know thats dem gals who always on his radio progam and ting and who ya see him with everywhere he go…and who he frolics with right here in fpt…dats my 5 cents!!

  50. this McAlpine guy is a complete BOZO. he set himself up for this. noone told him to respond. BP nor The Punch call his name. when ya dumb ya dangerous i guess.
    although i must say that his wife is gorgeous.

  51. When you throw a rock into a pack of potcakes, the one that cries out loud is the one that get hit!!!!! LOL

  52. After reading the story on BP and then turning the TV on the next day to watch the 7:00 PM news only to see the mystery parliamentarian on my TV trying to defend himself, saying that there were no truth to the rumors. I find that rather strange, because if I could remember correctly BP did not release any name or provided any description as to who the people were. BP was waiting until Monday for their deep throat on the force to get back from vacation, before going into further details, but they did not give BP time, they called an urgent press conference and came on TV the very next day. You can’t imagine how shocked I was when I saw them. It was like watching the beauty and the beast. A beautiful woman trying to defend this beast she had married.

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