Fredrick McAlpine has found the song for Tough Times! I Look to YOU!



  1. If MY people which are called by MY name will humble themselves and pray. Then will our land be healed.

    This is all I have to say.

  2. Yes a beautiful song indeed…but it should have been where he told them to look to God Not Prime Minister HI. or vice versa if it was PC but to God in tough times…cuz truly thats where our help and our troubles will be dealt with in our personal lives and in the Bahamas…If we look to God for our help then we won thave to depend on the govt for answers all the time….

    Not bashing him or anything but that night he inspired the people but he di dnot give them any spiritual hope …which is not surprising because I dont think he knows what that is anymore….disappoointing Rev…

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