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  1. You falling down bad Media. Why you posting this notice of Father Pratt here on an event that has already gone. Nobody will see it here man. You could do better than that man. This should be on the site as a full post, not a comment.

  2. PLP Mourns Passing of Joseph “Joe” Pratt

    The following statement was issued by Glenys Hanna Martin, National Chairman of the Progressive Liberal Party on the death of Joseph Pratt, husband of Deputy Leader Cynthia “Mother” Pratt, Wednesday March 25th, 2009.

    The Progressive Liberal Party mourns the death of the late Joseph Pratt, husband of our Deputy Leader, Cynthia “Mother” Pratt.

    In his own right, Joseph “Joe” Pratt, was a long standing supporter of deep conviction and most serious commitment to our Party and its core principles.

    As the husband of our Deputy Leader he has been unstinting and passionate in his devotion to his wife both privately and publicly , first when she was elected to Parliament and ultimately, when she made history by becoming the first woman to hold the office of Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.

    Joe Pratt could always be seen, at her side or sitting in the Gallery of the House of Assembly whenever she made a major presentation or on the campaign trail in St Cecilia where they lived and where his wife was the Parliamentary representative, always supporting and encouraging her efforts and her work. He was a man of great strength and unquestioned commitment to our political cause and one who displayed incredible love for his wife and his family.

    We stand in solidarity with our beloved Deputy Leader, Cynthia Pratt, during this time of great loss and grief.

    Our prayers are with her, and their children and their entire family.

  3. I hope someone invited Sir William Cartwright.. This man should have been given the keys to the city years ago. Everything for him should be free. And I mean EVERYTHING!!

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