Freeport “Pasta” caught cheating with woman by her boyfriend – Bishop updated…

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FREEPORT| A big-time “Pasta” – recently promoted in the church – has broken once again his celibacy rules after a boyfriend caught him trying to juice his girl on Grand Bahama island. 

BP is learning the “Pasta”, who has been caught up in a deep deadly affair before, has not one but two gals on his hands.

Sources close to the scandal tell us the “Pasta” just can’t resist the many single gals dem who have flocked the church fa man!

The romancer on the regular preaches about “Sweet-hearting” but members learned today the “Pasta” was preaching on himself. 

The boyfriend of the first gal has reported the matter to the Bishop and is demanding that the church clean up the matter. The second gal is happy at these developments as it means she will no longer be sharing the “Pasta”.

The last lover of the “Pasta” ended her life in a deadly fire where she burned herself to a crisp, while the “Pasta” escaped the flames. Back then the church decided to move the “Pasta” to Grand Bahama to calm down the scandal. 

This new scandal could end more seriously than the last as in this country love-triangles most of the time have a deadly end. 

We at BP will now await to hear what the senior cleric will do in this situation.

We ga report and let yinner decide!