Gangsters in Prince Hall Lodge – gangsters, orgy inhabitants, crooks and sweethearters in turmoil – Part 3


Gangsters in Prince Hall Lodge Part 3

Brent Symonette, receives an award from the Most Worshipful Grand Master Carl Culmer.

Nassau, Bahamas — BP has been digging again and found some more Masonic artifacts. BP found out that the Prince Hall Lodge and its gangsters, orgy inhabitants, crooks and sweethearters have been in turmoil since we started our digging expedition.

The truth has been unearthed and members of that order do not like it. BP heard the sweethearters have run for cover and everyone else is trying to lead clean Masonic lives.

Yes, BP has plenty power but all of those who scared need to think about what is going to be revealed to them in a few weeks and not by BP. All da dirt will come out of the vacuum bag soon when questions will be asked about where the money gone in Royal Eagle Lodge and BP hopes that Da Tief and the sweethearting Worshipful Master can answer dem questions.

The treasurer and the secretary who come after the Da Tief and the sweethearting Worshipful Master in the chain of command are right up in mix getting grease down by da lodge money and the gangster who runs the club. BP heard that the human shredders in Royal Eagle Lodge are working hard to get rid of the evidence and come up with one good hot story about where the missing money is.

The grand master should call the police for all of them for doing wickedness. Too many people in power in this country doing fool with money they in charge of, just ask Cargill at NIB.

We heard Da Tief who is second in charge of Royal Eagle Lodge was in the gangster club in Prince Hall building cursing BP and drinking his heart out. Een time ta drink yet buddy. Hold on til December. We heard the sweethearting Worshipful Master of Royal Eagle Lodge ran to the bosom of his biggety, journalist so she can hide whatever he bought her with Royal Eagle Lodge money.

BP also heard that plenty of Royal Eagle Lodge money was also spent on partying and orgies led by the second man in charge of the lodge, Da Tief.

While we were digging in Prince Hall Lodge yard, BP struck some old information and had to sit down to read it under one of dem historic trees. BP found out that Masonic order has a problem with locks. The sweethearting Worshipful Master and Grand Master Carl Culmer, ran a school teacher out of the lodge because he had locks in his head.

The sweethearting Worshipful Master did not want to do it but he also did not want the Grand Master taking his mind off what he had waiting on him out west so he agreed to throw a good masonic brother out of the lodge for his hair. There was another good mason who works at water and sewerage who had locks in his head and the grand master also told him not to come back.

A third mason with dreadlocks who works at a funeral home decided to cut his hair to please the sweethearting Worshipful Master and the grand master because he is always kissing up to them because they have the power to promote him in the lodge.

BP heard the masonic embalmer wanted to be noticed so bad by the grand master that he held a ceremony in open lodge while he cut his hair in tears bent over on the floor. What in da hell is this in Prince Hall Lodge?

Grand Master Culmer and his officers travel the world over and shakes the hands of masons all around who have locks in their heads and they do not discriminate against them so why they want to discriminate against the teacher who was just honoured by Harvard University and the rest of them. We even heard that the mason from the water corp left Prince Hall in anger and went into another masonic lodge.

BP came to da conclusion that Prince Hall Lodge mixes up what should be priorities. They have gangsters running a club in the building with all kind of rubbish going in an out, they have thieves running the lodge and love struck sweethearters ducking lodge for woman. What in the hell is dis?

We ga dig and report and yinner can decide in December!