Garvey exposes another incident of child molestation in Nassau School



<<< Mr. Troy Garvey, EMRH School PTA President.

Click to listen to Garvey at a press conference this week on ZNS

Nassau, Bahamas –– Once again our hero at BP was in Nassau to expose ‘vickedness’ in the Ministry of Education and its minister, Carl ‘Undernourished’ Bethel. This week Troy Garvey was in Nassau teaming up with Bahamas Against Crime president Rev. C.B Moss. Both leaders have decided to join forces to making the voice of the young heard!

Again we know Garvey is a National Hero. Garvey exposed the incidents of SEXUAL SLAUGHTER at the Eight Mile Rock High School back in November 2008. Andre Birbal, who was recently captured by police in New York, fled The Bahamas following an investigation into child molestation crimes at the school. Birbal and his band of ‘Clandestine Pedophile Lovers’ molested more than 20 boys at school in an after school programme funded by the department of education.

The Ministry’s acting director, Lionel Sands and ZNS reporter Clint Watson told members of the public there was “NO CASE” in the matter, however, Garvey and victims at EMRH knew better.

birbalBirbal, after coming to Nassau to be monitored, left the capital whilst members of the GESTAPO Police were conducting an investigation. How was the pedophile alloed to escape out of Bethel’s hand? Well, the MOE headed by Bethel allowed the Birbal the pedophile to escape, but not before paying him a handsome cheque from the accounts department in the MOE.

The Nation’s Giant Slayer, Glenys Hanna -Martin brought the matter to Parliament and called for a Committee to investigate the incidents at EMRH School. But while the member of Englerston was fighting for the children of the country, the Wutless MP for Eight Mile Rock, Verna Grant went on recorded in her communication asking the Parliament to reject the investigation by the committee. This is incredible! The MP who should be speaking up for the children of her constituency went on record to keep the matter HUSH HUSH! WHAT WUTLESSNESS!vernae-grant

Grants now appears to be collecting a record  of ABUSE of her own, particularly when it comes to incidents in Eight Mile Rock. A resident of EMR tolded BP last week that GRANT would become the first ‘one-term’ MP for that constituency, EVER. The source told us Grant recently verbally abused some young women of her community who asked for her assistance in a beauty pageant. BP cannot repeat the words told to the young ladies by Grant as this website is rated G. But all we say to Grant is this, “The same way you’ve REJECTED the children of EMR constituency and kept silent in the Parliament for them, come the next election YOU SHALL BE REJECTED BY THOSE SAME YOUNG PEOPLE!”

From BP to GRANT, BETHEL and MUGABE, “It ain’t Long Nah!”



  1. No updates on the Birbal matter yet? No wonder why more and more teachers think they could do these despicable things and get away with it. I heard another Teacher is being accused of allegedly drugging and sexually abusing a minor. School even aint open good yet and you are already hearing foolishness. Carl Bethel saying they will be scrutinizing all the new teachers, but I think they need to scrutinize all those teachers. Most of teachers who are assaulting and taking advantage of these children are the ones who being in the system long time.

  2. Good morning,Troy Garvey have you ever tought about running for Parliament? You would make a good Minister of Education.Pray about it prays do come true.

  3. tp :@“Empress” The Bahamas is in serious problem when we continue to blame the goverment for everything that goes wrongTHE ONLY THING LEFT FOR THE GOVERMENT TO DO IS GO INTO EVERY HOME AND BE NURSE MAIDS.

    The FNM should have thought about that before they made everyone think that everything that was going on in the country was the PLP’s fault!!!

    Stop defending them when they were the ones who set the bar in the first place… Just like they said that they were only carrying out the RULES set by the PLP, we are only going by the RULES set by them which says that the govt is responsible for everything that goes on in the country and that includes the good and the bad!!!!

  4. Media, it’s good to see that you mentioned Vernae Grant this time… She was the only one out of all the members in the HOA who did not want the committee appointed but she was soundly defeated!!

    I wonder how many persons in her constituiency feel the way she expressed in the HOA?!? She spoke as though she had the majority support including that of the families!!!

    She said that “all the people of EMR want right now, is to be left alone!” WOW!!!!!!!

    She aint realize that covering up these sort of things don’t and won’t help NO one!!!

  5. @“Empress”
    The Bahamas is in serious problem when we continue to blame the goverment for everything that goes wrong

  6. “Empress” :Okay Bloggers just heard on love97.5 that a five month all baby has died at the PMH last night, alledgedly due to child molestation. Says that the parents are in police custody. Will this be silenced as well until “The Speaker, Tommy Turnquest and Loretta Buttler-Turner deems it appropriate to be raised? IDK about y’all but I’ll say, “sumting evil has cum dis way” we as a ppl and as a country has lost our way. God Help Us All

    The parents? Why would any parent do this to their own flesh and blood? I have not heard anything about this yet, if it is true, this even worst than Birbal matter. What a bunch of mental cases!!!!!!

  7. Okay Bloggers just heard on love97.5 that a five month all baby has died at the PMH last night, alledgedly due to child molestation. Says that the parents are in police custody. Will this be silenced as well until “The Speaker, Tommy Turnquest and Loretta Buttler-Turner deems it appropriate to be raised? IDK about y’all but I’ll say, “sumting evil has cum dis way” we as a ppl and as a country has lost our way. God Help Us All

  8. Now we know why Carl Bethel second the motion to have Hanna martin expelled from Parliament.Obviously he is trying to place a red herring in the way of the select committee.By having Hanna Martin excluded from Parliament he hopes to avoid any committee discovering that the MOE actually gave the pedophile a cheque which he has denied in Parliament.Something stinks and now we see why rabid and desperate operatives of the Govt have come on this site and attack,attack attack.I shall not digress from the matter at hand bcos the country needs sites like this so that everyone can see what goes on.As a result of desperation by these operatives am going on vacation early so that I could monitor this site.

  9. I can recall many times when The MP for EMR verbally abuse young women. Because this site is rated G I cannot repeat them.
    She is kinda hot headed and doesnt know what to say and how to talk to people. She is a disgrace to sit in the Halls of Parliament. You would have thought it would be her getting up in the Parliament crying on behalf of her constituents but hey she supports it. Trust me. She has 3 more years there no more but hopefully less.

  10. I am attentively watching how the Government is trying to methodically push back this story. I am sooooooooo disappointed in the Bahamian Prime Minister until it is shocking and breathtaking. But I still recall a Rally held in Pine Wood gardens in 2006 or 2007 where the then PM warned the Bahamian prople that HAI was an aider and abeter of pedophiles. HMMMMM.
    Why is Carl Bethel still occupying an honorable seat in an honorable place? HMMMMM. The exploitation of minors has now escalated from rape to murder it seems. This matter regarding the 15 yr old boy dying in police custody warrants national attention but not from a FNM perspective; his royalty,O U T TOMMY TURNQUEST sees Martin as a mere nuissance and AL SMITH is so confused iterpeting and administering the rules as they are. SHAME SHAME.

    Any way i’m on the family island this weekend and I hope BP does a little headline on family island home comings or Regattas. I would very much like to give my 5 cents on that… I understand from grumbeling home coming committee members that this is the second consecutive year their MP brought his White AS_ to their opening ceromony and uttered dumb sarcastic remarks; mainly because the steering committee members are PLP’S he refuses to treat them respectfully. Well, I’m leaving Sandy Point today and I’m headed to Andros to see what’s going on there… Hip to Hop Bahamas enjoy our islands. BP please do a headline on family island homecomings and regattas….

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