GB police carrying out Operation Touch Down


Freeport, Grand Bahama – The Grand Bahama Police Force is working hard to clean up the streets of Grand Bahama,said Assistant Commissioner of Police Willard Cunningham, officer in chargeof the Grand Bahama District.

On Thursday, May 13, he explained that during Operation Touch Down, the police would be visible throughout Grand Bahama. They will be looking for traffic offenders and also searching vehicles for firearms, drugs or stolen goods. ASP Cunningham said the police want their presence felt in Grand Bahama, so the public canfeel safeonce again.

He said during the five-week operation, motorists should especially try to observe the speed limit and make sure vehicles are licensed and insured, because otherwise they will be stopped.

ASP Cunningham also advised that already seven males have been arrested and 71 persons booked for traffic infractions. Pictured from left: Sergeant Kirkland Bowe; ASP Welbourne Bootle, Officer in Charge Traffic Department and Assistant Commissioner of Police Willard Cunningham.


  1. Are we a police state?. Did the police got a tip on wat was goin to happen on Saturday night/sunday morning in Freeport Grand Bahama.They disguise this operation touch down to show force with fully armed police on the side of the street fingers on the the trigger to harrasse law abing citizens. Did commissioner Greeeslade know about pushing off envelope the type of policeing goin on in Grand Bahama. Law abing Bahmaian watch it we are fast becoming if not already a police state
    Look at our neigtbor Jamaica.

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