Gibson: Heart Surgeon Senator Dwayne Sands has no Heart

Shane Gibson, MP

Press Statement

By D. Shane Gibson, JP, MP and Opposition spokesperson for Housing Family of seven evicted by FNM Government Heart Surgeon Senator Dwayne Sands has no Heart

December 2nd 2011

The Progressive Liberal Party listened yesterday as FNM Senator Dr Dwayne Sands the Chairman of the Bahamas Mortgage Corporation started his rampage of eviction on those Bahamians who are unable to meet their mortgage payments on Government guaranteed mortgaged homes. Yesterday’s was a shocking report of the uncaring FNM Government, at the onset of the Christmas season, giving notice to a family of seven, including six children, who are now forced to sleep outside in the cold.

The PLP asks, “Wouldn’t it have been more appropriate if temporary housing was arranged for this family? What type of heartless Government would put Bahamians, including the little darlings, out on the streets in such an inhumane fashion?”

Last week Senator Sands attempted to justify the position of the Hubert Ingraham FNM Government by saying that the BMC stands to lose almost $80 million through mortgage payment default. But what the public must know is that most of that money is insured and recoverable through the Mortgage Insurance Fund. All Homes in Government subdivisions and most homes financed through the Bahamas Mortgage Corporation but not built in a Government subdivision with mortgages up to $94,500.000, are Government guaranteed and the mortgages are insured. And in recent years, the insured amount has been increased.

Additionally, the Bahamas Government spends millions annually providing health and educational services to illegal immigrants, but finds it acceptable to displace a Bahamian family at their lowest point and most vulnerable state; this act by the state simply cannot be right.

The Progressive Liberal Party in the name of decency is pleading with the FNM Government to immediately cease and desist from this cold-hearted and barbaric practice of dragging families and especially children out on to the streets. Please, show compassion during these extraordinary difficult times. If the consciences of the Members of Prime Minister Ingraham’s Cabinet don’t convict them to allow our Bahamian brothers and sisters to stay in these houses, then at lease find temporary housing for them.

The PLP is shocked and surprised that Heart Surgeon; Senator Dr Dwayne Sands has no heart.



  2. i am a PLP, but and a constructive one at that Dr Sands was right, if the morgage was not paid for one year then who is going to pay the bill for the house, shane you need to ask the banks to do the same for us in the public who have mortgages if we do not pay the bank will evict us, then where is the difference, the Governments are just to slack that is why the people always looking out for hand outs, i know things are bad, but you check deep inside, where is the father or fathers of the seven children, start with that, you cannot take care of you bills and have seven children, stop this foolishness and make people responsible, too much of this was happening under the PLP slackness I have to pay so everyone should pay, do get sorry mixed up with responsibility stop playing politcs shane. If everyone live free who is going to pay for road works, water, lights, infractures, etc. some of those same people working in the hotels making $500 a week as maids and waitress and more and still not paying their mortage because it is the government houses, shame, shame

  3. I agree – totally inhumane, to say the least! There has to be other means of dealing with situation apart from putting the people out on the streets. And furthermore, ‘mortgage institutions’ never lose a dime, because the last time i checked, homeowners are paying mostly interest during the initial and mid-stages of their mortgages!
    The Bahamas needs a change for the better and for the people!

  4. I agree – totally inhumane, to say the least! There has to be other means of dealing with situation apart from putting the people out on the streets. And furthermore, ‘mortgage institutions’ never lose a dime, because the last time i checked, homeowners are paying mostly interest during the initial and mid-stages of their mortgages!
    The Bahamas needs a change for the better and for the people!

  5. It ought to surprise noone that this man would take such a firm, uncompromising and unsympathetic stand.
    Consider his position regarding National Health,or universal single payer health care. He was on the radio with Robin Roberts, and his angry, sudgy mouthed tirade at the suggestion that doctors would have to compromise by accepting government caps on their fees and charges was amazingly revealing.
    Besides taking the whole thing personal, this silver spooned son of a bitch said (paraphrasing here) that cookouts to finance medical expenses were a Bahamian tradition and ought to continue..
    What a heartless asshole you are,Duane!!

  6. It ought to surprise noone that this man would take such a firm, uncompromising and unsympathetic stand.
    Consider his position regarding National Health,or universal single payer health care. He was on the radio with Robin Roberts, and his angry, sudgy mouthed tirade at the suggestion that doctors would have to compromise by accepting government caps on their fees and charges was amazingly revealing.
    Besides taking the whole thing personal, this silver spooned son of a bitch said (paraphrasing here) that cookouts to finance medical expenses were a Bahamian tradition and ought to continue..
    What a heartless asshole you are,Duane!!

  7. Would you call the Banks uncaring? People believe that they do not have to repay government. Since Shane and the PLP are so so concerned why don’t they take the lady and her six children and Husband/Father in pay her bills and show how much they care.

  8. Are you kidding me with this Mr. Gibson? So banks are also heartless when they have to repossess homes due to unpaid mortgages, insurance companies, B.E.C, Batelco, Water & Sewerage, are they also heartless when they cut off services that have gone unpaid for months? The fact that there is a mortgage indemnity does not give the client license to renege on the contract they signed for. Will Bahamian people please stop waiting on handouts and take responsibility for their financial health! So tired of these officials that perpetuate the give me attitude. A government puts in place infrastructure and policies so that each citizen can care for themselves, it is not their job to give people pay outs. This is why the PLP are useless, we haven’t been colonials for 38 yrs, when will we act like it?

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