Gibson Responds to Christie: 'In The Name of God, Go!'


Kenyatta Gibson / Independent Kennedy MP

Nassau, The Bahamas – Now an Independent MP, former PLP Kenyetta Gibson shot back with hard hitting words, at  Perry Christie, after the opposition leader responded to his resignation from the PLP today.

Mr. Gibson louden the call for the PLP leader to step down from the leadership of the Progressive Liberal Party, a call echoed from other members within the Party’s machinery.

“Mr. Christie has once again revealed himself to be the cowardly bully that many in his Party know him to be. He cannot discipline the older boys and girls in the high school, so instead he walks over the primary school and beats up the younger children.”

“So as to make it clear I wish the record to reflect that Perry Christie is no longer fit to lead the Party of Pindling, Butler & Hanna. ” Mr Gibson said.

Kenyatta Gibson (MP) Independent Member
Response to Press Release of Perry Christie:

I was not surprised to read the press release issued by the soon to be former Leader of the PLP. It is a typical example of the kind of reptilian and treacherous behaviour of which I complained in my press release of the 9th January, 2008. Mr. Christie is a master of character assassination and an expert proponent of self aggrandizement. Indeed all would recall how on every available occasion during his term in office he took the opportunity to remind the country that he spoke “as Prime Minister of The Bahamas”…… as if he would have allowed us to forget it.”

This washed up, has been, egotist may as well claim that he created the world in seven (7) days, as it is clear from his release that he fancies himself on god of sorts.

I had hoped to depart in peace. I had deliberately withheld any further comment in order to foster an atmosphere of peace. But that is not Mr. Christie’s way. Mr. Christie knows full and well the background behind my re-nomination as he made many promises to me as regards the same. But it is now convenient for him to distort those events. Again no surprise!

Mr. Christie has once again revealed himself to be the cowardly bully that many in his Party know him to be. He cannot discipline the older boys and girls in the high school, so instead he walks over the primary school and beats up the younger children.

I understand that there may be some ambiguity as regards my said Press Release. So as to make it clear I wish the record to reflect that Perry Christie is no longer fit to lead the Party of Pindling, Butler & Hanna. He is arch-mediocrity, captain of all things small and petty, master of all things which are insignificant and void. He is best described as the man who is an expert at using shallow words dressed up in glittering phrases. His word and promises count for nothing!

Mr. Christie, let me offer you some advice that most of your Parliamentary colleagues speak of privately behind your back. They are the words which Cromwell uttered to an English Parliament, “You have sat too long here for any good that you have done, Sir! Depart I say, and let us have done with you! In the name of God, go!


  1. Sir,

    Food for thought:

    Politics is the age-old practices, which corrupt policies, tried to dismantle God out of heaven!

    However, we all in the BAHAMAS should be bowing at the feet of Independent Member of Parliament for the Kennedy constituency, Kenyatta Gibson, for grabbing the MURDER headline from the morning dailies.
    Lets see how long we can ride in this issue; it’s good for the country.


  2. Good for him, time he left the PLP, look at how they are treating him for not being a PLP anymore.

    Time these mental cases get a life, and realize there is more to life than just some outdated political party called the PLP.

    The PLP finish boss, time to move on!

  3. Thank you for printing Gibson speech and Marquis retractions. I will read The Tribune however I generally refuse to purchase on.
    Keep up the good work!


    I would like to believe no matter what is said, OBIE WILCHOMBE has something to do with this move. lets look at the facts;

    1) For a while now the PLP has been complaining about a leak within the party, where before Christie can make an announcement, Obie slips off to the media being a hidden source (THE TRIBUNE IN PARTICULAR) and confirms what happening before the leader speaks. Royal Oasis buyers deal is a clear example. And internal party incidents showing up in the press. He is a journalist (LIKE TO CARRY NEWS) all should remember.

    2) Kenyatta in a press statement on Saturday confirmed that he did in fact speak with Wilchombe before he resigned, and Wilchombe if he was loyal should have advised his leader of the BREWING TROUBLE ahead. Wilchombe did nothing!

    3) Then here is this same Obie Wilchombe telling PLPs to boycott the Tribune, but yet this is what he told the Tribune in an interview upon the announcement of Kenyatta leaving the PLP; “let’s stop fooling people; let’s stop fooling each other; let’s stop misleading the country with this perception that all is well, when it is not well,” Wilchombe told the Tribune.

    NOW here is where Christie was on the ball when he talked about leaders the other night, ‘SLEEPING WITH THE ENEMY.’


  5. Kenyatta Gibson is a big coward and a sell out. He knows very well that it looks very good for the PLP to possibly take over the government if they win those cases in the election court and he allowed Mr. Ingraham and the FNM to buy him out. He is one big ogar who needs to find some sense of loyality and self pride. After all MR. Christie and the PLP has done to save his political career after his exlposion of ILL self control, this his how he repays. AS A YOUNG BAHAMIAN, I AM ASHAMED OF THIS COWARDLY, TRAITOR! A traitor who sold his country for pittins!

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