MARSH HARBOUR, Abaco, The Bahamas – Residents came out in full force to witness the Golden Jubilee Flag Relay happen in their community, Tuesday, June 6 – marking 34 days to the 50th Anniversary of Bahamas Independence on July 10, 2023.
The National Independence Secretariat facilitated a Flag-Raising Ceremony at Leonard M. Thompson International Airport.
The same will be duplicated throughout the islands, leading to the Golden Jubilee Anniversary, celebrated in New Providence.
Present were Kirk Cornish, Parliamentary Secretary, Office of the Prime Minister and Member of Parliament for North Abaco; John Pinder, Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Tourism, Investments and Aviation and MP for Central and South Abaco; Ricardo Ferguson, Family Island Administrator, other community leaders, and students.
Following welcome remarks by the island administrator, the Opening Prayer was said by the
Reverend Paulette Cartwright, president of the Abaco Christian Council.
Both MPs brought brief remarks marking the historic occasion on the ‘Road to 50.’ They also spoke to the resilience of Abaconians, following the devastating Hurricane Dorian in 2019, and that the island will emerge as “One People… One Bahamas”.
Afterwards, the Hoisting of the National Flag was performed by a 4-member Colour Guard and Band ensemble comprising the Royal Bahamas Police Force and the Royal Bahamas Defence Force to the song “One God. One People. One Bahamas.”
Once the Flag was hoisted, students from S.C. Bootle High School, Forest Heights Academy, Agape Christian School, Central Abaco Primary School, Crossing Rocks Primary School, Man-O-War Cay Primary School, and Great Guana Cay Primary School led in the observance of the National Anthem played by a pre-recorded rendition by the Royal Bahamas Police Force Band, and then reciting of The Pledge.
Pastor Cedric Bullard gave the Benediction.
Each community, through Local Government officials, is being galvanized in a spirit of unity for the Flag Relay. The same Flag in the relay will be used in New Providence on July 9 in the celebration and Tattoo at Clifford Park, ushering in Independence morning on July 10.