Government deviates from its major decision to open Grand Lucayan Hotel! Michael Scott say there will be no renovations to the properties by Government!


Debts in Grand Lucanyan are humungous! and we are learning Hutchison don’t own the Golf Course!

Michael Scott

Freeport – Michael Scott has told the press there will be no renovations at the Grand Lucayan Hotel and that staff now there can take a separation package to discontinue their service with the property.

But this is a major change from the decision when PM Minnis said he will renovate and open the property to save jobs. Now we don’t know who to believe.

It was this same Scott who once said on Steve McKinney show that Minnis could not excite a mosquito. Well he is now carrying PM Minnis water and has landed the taxpayers in deep trouble with the purchase of the Grand Lucayan properties.

For example the Minnis Government ga learn that Hutchinson does not own the Golf Course! And the debts with the hotel are humungous!

We are learning some 200 are expected to separate from the hotel.

We report yinner decide!