Government House messenger murdered this morning son was also murdered last year July …

Live scenes from that homicide which claimed the life of Darren Gibson Sr.

NASSAU| More updates are coming into BP following that homicide incident that unfolded outside a home on Faith Ave. and Hamster Road where Government House employee Darren Gibson Sr. was gunned down.

Now last year Gibson’s son on July 18-year-old Darren Gibson Jr. aka BOX a graduate of Prince William High was gunned down in the community of Sandilands Village Road where he was walking and gunmen opened fire on him from a vehicle and fled the scene.

Additionally, last year in 2021 Gibson Sr. was severely beaten and stabbed about the body. What is this violence about?

This morning the father was killed instantly and some now question the connection to these two murders. One source said they believe the father, like any parent, became upset following his son’s murder and may have entered a path to retaliate. And now he is dead.

Gibson sr. is the third staffer stationed in the office at Government House to be murdered in the past few years where he served as a messenger. He also becomes the third homicide in the capital following weeks of quiet on the streets.

We report yinner decide!