Local Government not made known of any Billy McFarland event and police on high alert for any such! Nov 14, 2022 0 1179 Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter STATEMENT ON BILLY MCFARLANDCHESTER COOPER, DPM, MOTIA, EXUMAS AND RAGGED ISLAND MPNOVEMBER 14, 2022The public is advised that no application has been made to the Government for consideration of any event promoted by Billy McFarland or any entity or parties known to be associated with him. McFarland was the organizer of the Fyre Festival several years ago, a notorious charade for which McFarland was convicted and sent to prison in the USA. The Government of The Bahamas will not endorse or approve any event in The Bahamas associated with him. He is considered to be a fugitive, with several pending complaints made against him with the Royal Bahamas Police Force (RBPF). Anyone knowing of his whereabouts should report same to the RBPF.