Government Road Works Fast-Tracked


contractroadsGovernment has “fast-tracked” its road works program as Nassau prepares for the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA) Congress and the Miss Universe Pageant.

Public Works and Transport Minister Neko Grant signed a $2,436,504 contract with Bahamas Hot Mix on Monday for the paving and patching of a stretch of Bay Street from Blake Road to Mackey Street.

“As a resulting of hosting the FIFA Congress and the Miss Universe Pageant, the Government has fast-tracked its road works program for the northwestern coastal roads and Bay Street to ensure that the route between the Lynden Pindling International Airport (LPIA) and Paradise Island is an enjoyable one for Bahamians and our visitors,” said Minister Grant.

Mr. Grant explained that officers from his Ministry evaluated the main vehicular route for access to the Paradise Island Bridge from LPIA via Blake Road, West Bay Street, Marlborough Street, Navy Lion Road and Bay Street.

As a result, they recognized the need to improve the road for an enjoyable and safe ride, he said.

The road works which began May 15 may necessitate closing sections of Bay Street and re-routing traffic during the construction period. Otherwise, he said, the roadway will be reduced to one-lane traffic.

The work will be carried out from Monday to Sunday (not including Fridays) from 7pm to 6am and Monday to Sunday (not including Fridays) from 9:30am to 3:30pm.

“Efforts will be taken to mitigate the inconvenience to the motoring public,” said Mr. Grant. “Accordingly, motorists are encouraged to reduce speed and exercise caution when driving through the work areas, to obey the traffic management measures put in place and to, if at all possible, avoid the work areas as delays will be experienced.”

Mr. Grant acknowledged and thanked the team from his Ministry for their contributions. They are: Permanent Secretary Colin Higgs; Acting Director of Works Gordon Major; project engineers Dion Munroe and Robert Garraway and Nicole Campbell, Undersecretary. Ebbie Saidi, managing director of Bahamas Hot Mix, thanked the Government for the contract. The work, he said, has to be done in conjunction with the utility companies. The three-month project involves milling and paving.


  1. Any of us who were around when the UBP existed can now feel betrayed again.Perry Christie you are too decent to be a politician bcos you mentioned dark forces and no turning back but did not tell everyone you meant the resurgence of the UBP.Sir Lynden was not afraid but you have too much care for those peoples feelings and did not call a spade a spade.That same money will be used to fight the next gen Elects.Brent Symonette resign forthwith.I am headed to FNM HQ to see what they are up to.Hope to see all the traitors there,and uncle Toms.I do not apologise for my statement.It did not have to be like this.

  2. Is Brent the owner? Because that is indeed a conflict of interest. What the hell is going on here? Let me get this straight…many of the major projects that are in the works are contracted to foreign companies and the one that happens to be contracted to a Bahamian company is connected to the DPM. My fellow Bahamians, stop being STUPID!

    Johnny Tucker when I see those red shirts I get fire inside me. I wouldn’t even clean my car with one of them. As a matter of fact when my FNM rep came to my house campaigning I told her to carry her shirt and her ass. But I digress. There is indeed something fishy here. Hubert?

  3. Mudda sick!!!!! That’s good while you’ll Bahamians running up and down with those dingie looking ” Matter of Trust” shirts and going to every rally by salt and pepper while you loose your jobs, and life insurance policies, The Hon. Brent Symonette collecting of you’ll A- S big time. The tax payers will fit the bill!!! If Symonette relinqueshes himself of all ties with this Bahamian registered company but this company is re-registered in another country with all of the accounts recievable going to the Bank account of Bahamas Hot Mix in that country and with Brent as the owner of that company in that foreign country….. Doesn’t that make him the owner of Bahamas Hot Mix in the Bahamas?

    When will you black fools stop being used and being so stupid. Will Brent take any of his millions earned from the crooked deal alone to satisfy any of you’ll mortgages. Still you’ll shouting to the top of your voices “HOOOBUTTT HOOOBUTTT”

  4. Thats more than $10 Million in one week for Bahamas Hot Mix. Who owns that company again? Brent freaking Symonette. BP, I hope you keeping your eye on this.

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