Grand Bahama BTC Restoration Expected to be 99% completed by month end By Bahamas Telecommunication Company


Grand Bahama BTC Restoration Expected to be 99% completed by month end
By Bahamas Telecommunication Company.

Freeport, Grand Bahama – In October of 2016 Hurricane Matthew ripped through The Bahamas as very large and very dangerous Category 4 system, bringing with it heavy rains, and high winds which downed power lines, uprooted trees, flooded low lying areas and left a trail destruction in its wake – particularly on Grand Bahama which received a near direct hit.

During the passage of the storm BTC was one of few utility companies in the country able to maintain communications for its customers. Even so the company’s infrastructure across the island was seriously impacted. In the weeks and months since the passage of Hurricane Matthew, residents, and companies alike have continued the work of restoration efforts, as have the hard-working staff of Grand Bahama’s BTC customer and technical services teams.

BTC Teams began the restoration process almost immediately with crews spread out across the island. So far BTC has successfully restored services to over 95% of its residential and business customers in East and West, Grand Bahama – which means all the BTC broadband, cellular services and fixed lines in those areas have been repaired with minor challenges remaining. Noting this accomplishment, the team has shifted its focus to Central Grand Bahama to remedy the concerns of customers as a result of the storm, but recent copper theft has hampered these efforts.

Teams are currently deployed in the areas of Hudson Estates, Windsor Park, Columbus Estates, Mary Star, Beacons Field, Poinciana Drive, Adventures Way, Mayfield Park, and Seahorse Village. Customers who continue to experience challenges with their services are encouraged to make use of BTC’s Customer Care Line, 351-5291.

“As you can imagine BTC has employed a very multi-dimensional approach to the restoration efforts post Hurricane Matthew” explained Elvis Bartlett, Senior Manager of Technical Services. “Our teams have been working very hard to ensure our customers can enjoy full service and we expected the work to be 99% complete by the end of March in all communities.”

Once restoration efforts are complete, Grand Bahama BTC Customers can look forward to improved services via a brand-new fiber optic network which is currently under construction for Grand Bahama Island with an estimated delivery date of November 2017. This new network will provide upgraded scalable, robust and futuristic Triple Play Solution for both Residential and Business customers who require Voice, Data and TV.