GRAND BAHAMA Says IT IS OVER as four former FNM MPs have told their supporters to support the PLP!


Grand Bahama has flipped GOLD and polls confirm a majority of swing voters shall support PLP candidates…

Four Mile motorcade into West EnD!

Freeport, Bahamas – Trouble has set in deep on the island of Grand Bahama as four former FNM MPs have pledged their support to the Progressive Liberal Party in the upcoming general elections.

Bahamas Press has learned that one of the former MPs, who was a Cabinet Minister, has granted permission to many of his key generals to support PLP candidates to make sure they win all five seats on Grand Bahama.

The breaking news is not sitting well within the FNM campaign, which has dwindled and run out of money and ideas on how to move the Bahamas forward.

FNMs have become so desperate these days that they have relied on the Facebook comments of one OMAR ARCHER to gather support for them. Look what PAPA’s once grand party has come to.

Meanwhile, FNMs on Long Island are gathering more and more around Loretta Butler Turner and last week FNM MP Richard Lightbourn hit the ground on Long Island to make sure Minnis’ candidate does not get elected.

It ain’t long nah! PLP – LONG ISLAND IS NOW IN PLAY!!!

We report yinner decide!