Grand Lucaya to close days after elections…Family Islanders report rampant victimization


Here's the man who is selling all of the weath of the Bahamas to the foreigners - Hubert 'MUGABE' Ingraham.


Nassau, Bahamas — A Family Islander told Bahamas Press last night that, as election nears, Bahamian victimization is at its rankest not seen since the dark era of the UBP.

The voice of a woman Roses Long Island, who is a worker on that island, said, “We are afraid to display our political affiliations because generals of the FNM are coming around telling us wear anything red and be at the events of the party when called upon.

“This is the worst I have seen in ages. Imagine! They have gotten so bad these days – telling people what to wear, when to come, when to go – and they call that democracy? That’s dictatorship!” the shaken voice told BP.

Bahamas Press reports what is even worse is the fact that some workers at the Grand Lucaya Hotel on Grand Bahama were laid off over the weekend, as predicted by BP two weeks ago, and yet the WUTLESS GUTLESS MEDIA of the Bahamas has yet to report it.

Sources in Our Lucaya Resort tell us 14 workers were laid off on Friday, as the hotel’s closure is imminent. Not a damn word has come from the Minister of Labour nor has a pin dropped at the hotel union representatives. Workers at Grand Lucaya [formerly Our Lucaya] have yet to collect a single dime from their agreement with the hotel following financial troubles at the resort.

Our Lucaya on Grand Bahama.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham is running scared and is moving erratically as the general elections near quoting nursery rhymes. Initially his team had scheduled elections near February 11, however, polling reportedly done by Roy Boyke, Ingraham chief election henchman does not look good.

Sources deep in the Apparatchik of the FNM tell us polling data in the popular vote shows the party with a negligible 23%.

This explains why PAPA is acting like a desperado and is running from his record as it is being reported he drowns himself with bottles of Haitian rum. Elections could now be March 14th, 2012, the exact date that the FNM called elections in 1997.

BP eyes and ears tell us, “Papa is trying to buy time as he knows he must call elections sooner rather than later, but he is running out of time. The roads are incomplete, five thousand Chinese are about to land on New Providence, the treasury broke, unions are boiling and more than 50,000 Bahamians are jobless in a job market overtrumped by foreign permit workers. Things are not just bad, but they are getting worse by the day!”

Meanwhile, to accommodate the new election date, the new stadium date has been pushed back to Thursday March 8th, just one week before the newly proposed election date. We believe, however, opposition plans for a snap election should remain in effect. Papa could wake up any time in the middle of the day, tomorrow and ring da bell.

Prince Harry as the special envoy from the Queen will see the dirty side of Papa when he arrives on March 7th, as we will be smack-dab in the middle of a General Elections.

We report yinner decide!


  1. Feb 11th, March 14th, May 2nd….no matter what date the election is called the Bahamian people will make the right decision. On Election Day Bahamians want a PM and a government who can make strong, progressive decisions to move our country forward so the choice is clear. By the way it would be fitting for the opening of our new National Stadium on the grounds of the QE II sports center to be witnessed by her grandson Prince Harry during her Silver Jubilee as Queen. Furthermore, there is a lot of work going on that need to be completed so that we can properly showcase this gem of the Caribbean…bam bam bam…Papa or Nuttin!!!

  2. The Bahamas Hotel Union has failed its members,they have AGREED with the Hotels from Atlantis to Our Lucaya and KFC by way of their ACTION OR INACTION and inablity to gain the respect from any employer as the VOICE of their members.They have shown that they have little or no knowlage concerning the industry that they claim to represent.From were sit and seeing what is happening this is wht happens when Union Leders take money from employers and politital parties to fund them getting elected to Union leaders!!THINK ABOUT IT UNION MEMBERS FOR THE PAST THREE YEARS THEY SAID AND DID NOTHING ON YOUR BEHALF.

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