Grandmother Renee Gray is the country’s 10th homicide victim in shooting at Lilly of the Valley corner…

Scenes from that Lilly of the Valley Corner where grandmother Renee Gray lost her life to violence.

NASSAU| Nassau is quickly becoming the new GAZA of the west as killers unleash a wave of death, murder and mayhem on the streets of the capital city.

BP confirms grandmother Renee Gray was shot on Lilly of the Valley Corner today after cold killers opened fire on her home. 

She was taken to hospital from the Quakoo Police Station where she initially sought assistance following the violence by the gunman. The grandmother was caring for another young two-year-old who was also hit in the hail of bullets and was also taken to hospital.

We do not know if grandmother Gray is related to the Gamaliel Gray, who was hiding out in a home in Nassau Village where 16-year-old Davinique Gray was shot and killed over the weekend. Gamaliel had turned himself into police and is accused in the second murder of the year involving another Nassau Village man. How all this connects we are not sure, but we did warn people who hang or live with persons known to police and are deeply involved with crimes. Yinner are in serious danger! But who listens?

Anyway, a grandmother is dead, murdered in violence which we know has no end from the days of the garden of eden.

We report yinner decide!

Renae Gray