The war in the neighbourhood of Celery Drive in Yellow Elder is set! Neighbour believed to be behind country’s latest homicide!

Nassau, Bahamas — Another family in the Yellow Elder Community is mourning a loss today after three cars were torched, and the home sprayed with bullets, killing the grandmother inside.
The incident, we at BP can report, unfolded around 4 am this morning, leaving a community shaken and a family in tears.
Bahamas Press has identified the 65-year-old grandmother to be Celery Drive resident Marinette Leadon.
According to information now supplied to us, the incident began when bandits came onto the property of the home just after 4 am and began spraying bullets wildly in every direction if the home. Bullets struck the grandmother while in her bedroom and another male relative who was not seriously injured.
“It was like a morning rebel attack somewhere in the Middle East. I can only describe it as like an ambush. Bullets came from every direction and in the end they were trapped. That is the feeling this morning. That is what we had to endure,” one source told Bahamas Press.
But if that wasn’t enough, bandits then torched – like the BAMSI Complex – all of the vehicles in the driveway around the home creating further fear and terror for those inside.
“These are the actions of real terrorists in our midst!” one official told BP.
Some believe this morning’s incident was the retaliation for a shooting in the same area on Friday, which has left a male in serious condition. Others believe the invasion was the result of a relative of the home, who has been arraigned on murder charges a few weeks ago.
All we say is this: Every man for himself and GOD for us all. BAHAMAS, PLEASE Find Jesus.