FNM never told the truth about the dead following Dorian even when questions were placed on the table in Parliament!

NASSAU| Bahamas Press is not shocked or surprised that the leader of the opposition and Great Pretender Michael Pintard wants a question day in Parliament. Pintard was a part of a government which barely held Parliament, much less answered questions.
His FNM led party not only failed to answer serious questions while in Government, but that group in the FNM – which the Great Pretender leads – never answered questions about the Land Grab in the failed OBAN DEAL or the dangerous investigations which saw a ripoff of some $54 million in tax dollars for a food programme managed by Susan Holowesko-Larson.
Perhaps Pintard is prepared to explain to taxpayers how millions were spent in Roads and Parks by persons who forged signatures. Or maybe he will now be prepared to share with Parliament how a then-Cabinet Minister, using a fake name, collected millions in backdoor payments from a Government agency; another matter right now in the courts!
What Michael Pintard and his fellow MPs forget is that even the courts are now probing the actions of one of its own members who is accused of enriching himself by a corporation in the country.
The people who increased vat by 60%, fired scores of Bahamians, locked up an entire country while thousands died in a hurricane and pandemic should be the last crew asking questions in Parliament.
THEY HAVE NO SHAME! And this is why Bahamian will leave the unrepentant in opposition when the BIG DAY comes.
It ain’t long nah!
We report yinner decide!