Greenslade Pays Tribute to Basil Dean QPM

COP of Police, Ellison Greenslade.

TRIBUTE: On behalf of the Executive Management Team, Senior Officers, Contracted Officers, Reservists, Local Constables, and Civilian Members of the Royal Bahamas Police Force, I extend condolences to Mrs. Norma Dean, the children, immediate and extended family members, and the Kerzner International family on the passing of our beloved brother and former colleague Mr. Basil Dean, retired Assistant Commissioner of Police.

Assistant Commissioner Dean leaves a legacy of productivity, success, courage, loyalty, and integrity defined over many years of committed and dedicated service to the people of The Bahamas. He made numerous sacrifices in the face of tremendous dangers during a lifelong career in law enforcement in The Bahamas and he molded the lives of many young aspiring men and women in the Force and provided effective leadership examples for them to follow. Because of his contributions to succession planning in the Force, many young Bahamians have been elevated to lofty heights previously unknown.

Assistant Commissioner Dean was a fearless detective whose reputation and tenacity in getting the job done was well known throughout The Bahamas. To his credit is the successful resolution of many notable criminal investigations and the charging and prosecution of many notorious felons. His stellar leadership attributes were evidenced daily and attracted the best and the brightest young aspirants who were eager to prove their worth in the policing arena. In addition to his competence and productivity in the criminal investigation arena, Assistant Commissioner Dean spent many years in the Police Training College where he molded the characters of numerous serving officers who are now leaders in The Royal Bahamas Police Force.

Basil Dean

In retirement Assistant Commissioner Dean remained intimately connected with the Royal Bahamas Police Force and never hesitated to provide assistance and to support Force initiatives by his presence and his wider community influence. He looked forward to every fellowship with his law enforcement alma mater whenever the opportunity arose and his contributions were always positive and meaningful.

Assistant Commissioner Dean was dedicated to making The Bahamas a safer place to live, visit, work, and play and he had no tolerance for anyone who would seek to disrupt the peace and serenity of our communities. He spent most of his life doing what he loved best and he was the best at doing what he loved.

All members of The Royal Bahamas Police Force owe a significant debt of gratitude to Assistant Commissioner Dean and will forever cherish his memory and the positive contributions he has made to nation building. We are proud of the life he lived and we are proud to remember him as one of our finest sons.

We pray God’s richest blessing on his soul and we offer our love and support to his dear wife and family.


  1. Basil Dean was a pioneer, extradonair in the Art of Policing as we knew it then and equally as we know it today. His Leadership from the front style and tenacity for the perfection of his art will long be remembered in tributes spoken but more significantly in the Successful Careers he forged through those whom he molded into the fine Law Enforcement Guru’s whom toil this Nation today in the continued Fight against Crime and the elements of Criminal Deviants in this nation today. His was a Career of much worth and his legacy shall live on forever in the Hearts and Minds of those he came into contact with throughout his sojourne in this Noble Organisation and that of Sun International. May His Soul Rest Comfortably in Eternal Peace is our Prayers for him and that of his Family. RBPF and SUN INT’L included.

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