Hon. Glenys Hanna-Martin

Statement by Glenys Hanna-Martin, MP for Englerston and Opposition spokesperson on National Security

The country notes the recent RBPF promotion exercise and while we do not provide negative commentary on the deservedness of the relevant officers, we are compelled to note the blatant hypocrisy and deception perpetrated on the Bahamian people by the Minister of National Security, Marvin Dames

Minister Dames engaged in early political rhetoric about the Police Force being “top heavy” and purporting some supposed reliance on an audit claiming it was “burdening the performance on the force” and that such “oversubscription” was the result of political interference by the former administration.

It is now abundantly clear that these claims are now proven to be nothing more than shallow commentary.

Since the utterance of these comments the nation has seen the appointment of even more Assistant Commissioners and Chief Superintendents and Superintendents in complete contradiction to prior claims and criticism of a “top heavy” police force.

Further, Minister Dames has overseen the removal of career senior officers and Assistant Commissioners with many years of distinguished service on the police force. First, he deployed them to varying governmental departments, and now a number of those senior officers are sitting at home, receiving full pay and benefit. This redeployment exercise is appearing more and more to be based upon questionable motives.

Meanwhile, the country is experiencing a surge in criminal activity and could well benefit from the expertise and experience of these men.

Dames’ inconsistencies, contradictions, blatant political rhetoric, cynical manipulations and strident hypocrisy undermine his credibility, the integrity of his office and seek to make a mockery of the Bahamian people.

This type of political posturing is totally unacceptable.