1. BP first your excellent time streaming updates from Clifford Park and now this heart touching video presentation that should make us all, regardless of one’s political stripes, social or economic standing, or color, to stand-up and realize how much we really have at stake if our wonderful way of Bahamian life is recklessly lost forever?
    Today, I want to speak directly from my heart, asking each reader to place their hand’s over my heart, to feel both the anger and love guiding my every word.
    BP you brought your readers the brilliant and most inspiring words of Anna Albury, the Head Girl at the Hope Town Primary School, also student of the year. Tiny Hope Town, Abaco is known for producing a good stock of citizens.
    Can’t we all just imagine how proud young Anna must make her parents, not only for her academic achievements, but in the wisdom of her words to encourage Bahamians, the young and older, across our beloved Bahamaland to; “To Go Light The World.”
    BP too bad young Anna’s words may not be enough to inspire this FNM cabinet to leave the BEC generators on and up and running long enough for students, like Anna to complete their home work assignments right here in our Nassau Town?
    Also, BP the Lord Himself would welcome more BEC light, because we gotta believe that the Man Upstairs own treasury be spinning into a deficit on the Nassau Town’s side of Heaven’s Revenue Ledger, considering that just at the Hour when it’s time to pass the Sunday Evening Collection Plates, BEC seems to turn the lights off. BP you’re not thinking what I’m thinking, a coincidence, or are some of their kinfolks running the BEC generators?
    We all know who the official “Collection Plates Duckers” are, and it ain’t the broke members in the congregation?
    BP there is the members who always give the full 10%, while most I know practice the under 3% rule, with some well under 3%. Tithing should never be confused with the passing of the Collection Plates. And, then there are the Brothers and Sisters who have spent years sitting in the Church Pews, quietly perfecting the “Art Of Hanging On To Their Christianity, Without Ever Having To Invest A Single Dime?”
    Good thing for the rest of us that the Big Man Upstairs is smart enough to keep more than one kind of Ledger.
    We all know there is no hope in Heaven of Communist China “on record” for their outright dislike of anyone, or anything, connected directly, or indirectly, to Christianity of ever providing any money for Road Paving Improvements Upstairs, so its all up to us Christians to look after Gods works, if we’re expecting him to look after ours?
    This FNM cabinet must have slipped their UN Gay Rights support passed their Chinese friends, as quietly as they did with Bahamians, because the Chinese government is also clearly “on record” as wanting nothing to do with Gay Rights of any kind?
    Just maybe in the end we Bahamians may end up having to actually thank the Chinese for the FNM’s quick rush to stand in the House, to clarify for the benefit of the Church Goers in their own FNM party. That they can all sleep well knowing their FNM cabinet is not about to legalize “Buggery On The High Seas?”
    Sometimes I wonder to myself if this FNM cabinet can actually hear the level of laughter, coming from the People, and directed at them? You can neither Rob God’s Collection Plates and still expect God’s Blessing, nor waste the citizens taxes on not much than servicing an already Skyrocketing out of control National Debt, all in the name of retaining “power” over the people.
    Bahamians know and understand tough times. Our long History clearly demonstrates that we collectively as a people have always faced the toughest of times together, grew even more determined as we got up off the floor, dusted ourselves off, once again successfully Marching Onward, each time reinventing our economy for the better each step of the struggle. The difference is unlike the past when we came face to face with difficult times we always had faith in ourselves, our people and more than anything we had “Hope.” Today, many Bahamians don’t even know who our “own people” are anymore?
    We are no longer assured that our greatest friends, mainly the American people, will continue to visit, or want to do business in our Bahamaland, if this, or any future government, is unwilling, or incapable, of reasonably protecting their own citizens and residents?
    This same US government that has always been our greatest ally in both good and struggling times, has now gone on record, expressing deep concerns over the closer relationships between the Bahamas government, both the FNM and PLP administrations, with The People’s Republic of China?
    The US government has also expressed deep concerns over the thousands of Haitians here illegally and the many more thousands from amongst Haiti’s 12 Million citizens who are eager to set sail for our Bahamaland.
    Folks, I don’t have to wait for you to tell me that what I’m saying is deeply disturbing, I already know that, but it’s still the hard-nosed truth. Why not tell your own FNM cabinet members and elected FNM MP’s that it is they, not the opposition PLP, or DNA, who was elected and happens to be the ones currently charged with the responsibility to protect the people and their properties, and our millions of visitors.
    To speak out to tell this, or any future government, that enough is enough already is to remind each and every Bahamian, those born here, or who have “legally played by all the rules’ in adopting our Bahamas as their Bahamaland, that together we became like an older Stradivari and a younger Amati, as the best in the world. We know prize the violins of both Stradivari and Amati as the best in the world.
    We darn Bahamians are the darn best in the Caribbean, and in may other parts of the world, at doing what we do best; Building excellent tourism and financial services products. Like Stradivari and Amati we was not born with the ability to use knife and plane and chisel, we learned these survival skills only after much trail and effort and by either reinventing ourselves, or comparing our efforts against others from far and wide, not once giving up in despair.
    Let us all stand up for our Bahamas by listening to the wise words of Hope Town’s student Anna Albury; “To Go Light The World.” and I’m pretty sure Anna wouldn’t mind at all if I paraphrased with; “To Go Light The World About How Much Pride We Bahamians Take In Our Bahamaland.”
    Happy Independence Day to everyone at BP, readers, and Bloggers.

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