HeadKnowles Group has been reported to the FIU by GOFUNDME!

Lia Head-Rigby and Gina Knowles

NASSAU| A local non-profit organization has had its funds collected in the US frozen and the foundation has been reported to the Financial Intelligence Unit [FIU] by US Authorities.

BP is learning the collapsed HeadKnowles Group, which only got its registration from the Attorney General Office back in September 2019 following Hurricane Dorian, has failed to make available its financials.

The group has been collecting funds around the Bahamas and deep inside the United States following Hurricane Joaquin, Matthew and now Dorian, but its committee has failed to report expenditures after collecting millions over the years.

For Hurricane Dorian some $1.5 million has been raised on gofundme, however, the Group that collected some of the funds has failed to report to US operators of GoFundMe an accounting of funds transferred.

HeadKnowles Group was founded by Lia Head-Rigby and Gina Knowles before Hurricane Joaquin back in 2015. The pair had managed over $2M in relief during Hurricane Joaquin. And then again int 2016 a committed group of volunteers organized during Hurricane Matthew, moving supplies for Ragged Island, North Andros, Grand Bahama, and New Providence, raising some $4 million, according to their posted information.

However, sadly after questions by Bahamas Press began to swirl over the registration of the Foundation and its failure to report accounts, it was discovered that the group only received its legal Foundation license just days following Dorian. And now, with requests for reporting by GOFUNDME, questions remain unanswered by organizers on funds collected and transferred thus far.

It should be noted that shortly after funds were initially held up by Gofundme following questions, Cofounder Lia Head-Rigby resigned from the group, committing her work to other charities. She resides in the United States of American.

There are clear laws that govern having a Gofundme account, one being the account must be managed by an American citizen.

Some questions must now be answered and the matter has been referred to the Financial Intelligence Unit [FIU] in the Bahamas! We wonder if the Anti-Corruption Unit will follow up on this development now that reporting has been made on the organization from the U.S.

We report yinner decide!