Health Ministry responds to Social Media information on the death of Marine

Minister Duane Sands –

 The Ministry of Health is aware of a misleading story circulating on social media regarding the unfortunate death of a Royal Bahamas Defence Force (RBDF) Marine. 

We wish to offer our sincere condolences to the family and friends of the deceased Marine. 

The misleading story is replete with reckless and untrue assertions and allegations. 

The facts are that Defence Force Marine Wallace suffered a cardiac arrest after presenting to the Marsh Harbour Clinic at 6:00pm yesterday (Tuesday 24th September, 2019). 

He succumbed after emergency air evacuation and was pronounced dead at Doctors Hospital in Nassau. 

An autopsy will be conducted to confirm the exact cause of death and the relation to his known chronic medical illnesses, which were evident at the time of his presentation. Mr. Wallace’s medical history will remain confidential. 

There is no evidence that his death was in any way related to his posting in Abaco, the environment, air or water. 

Out of an abundance of caution, we have also examined seventeen (17) other Royal Bahamas Defence Force (RBDF) and Royal Bahamas Police Force (RBPF) Officers. One other had symptoms of a rash and respiratory symptoms. 

There is no specific or generalized risk of inhabitation in Abaco. It is safe for officers of the RBPF, RBDF, other civil servants and the general population. The MOH and our partner agencies (including PAHO) continues to monitor the islands and have discovered no quarantinable illnesses or hazards that threaten the populations attempting to return to their homes and businesses. 

We find that this reckless and irresponsible claim distracts from the everyday efforts of all positive-minded individuals and we remind the public not to share such “reports” unless from a reputable and credible source. 


BP EDITORIAL NOTE: Bahamas Press accepts the notice issued by the Ministry of Health on this issue on the death of the Marine. Thanks to our hardworking team on the ground in Abaco the Ministry is now able to confirm the passing of the Marine Wallace who was deployed on the ground in Abaco. We at BP, await the findings of that autopsy and we want to caution the Ministry of Health that this is not the first case of serious ailments coming out of Abaco. We will do our job and we hope those in authority commit to the same.