STATEMEMT| The Ministry of Health & Wellness wishes to remind the public that following the passage of a storm, there is risk of contamination of water, and that illness can arise from the use of contaminated water. Persons in islands that were affected by the passage of Nicole are advised to ensure the water used is from safe and reliable sources only.
In order to prevent water-borne and food-borne illness, the National Surveillance Unit advises the following:
Use boiled or bottled water for the preparation of food, drinks, or ice; dishwashing
and hygiene – such as brushing teeth and bathing.
Especially for meeting the needs of babies and young children
Wash food and common household surfaces with safe water.
Add 1 teaspoon of unscented household bleach for each gallon of water used for
dishwashing and cleaning.
Throw out food that may not be good due to temperature changes resulting from
power outages.
Increase your handwashing practices and use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer
(60% alcohol and above) when needed as an alternate.
If possible, use disposable plates, cups, and utensils during a boil water advisory.
Along with the Ministry of Health & Wellness advising these practices, the monitoring of water borne and food borne illness is ongoing. If you note 3 or more loose watery stools within 24hrs, please see your local healthcare provider urgently