Heartless worker stole donation to children’s hostel

Magistrate Court

NASSAU| A disgraced charity worker used a donation to the Children’s Emergency Hostel to pay her rent.

Jenny May Mott, 44, was caught on camera pocketing the $150 donation on August 27.

She initially denied the heartless act.

But she owned up to her selfish actions when confronted by surveillance footage.

Mott tried to avoid a court hearing by replacing the stolen cash.

Still, police charged her with stealing by reason of employment. She admitted the offense at her arraignment before Senior Magistrate Derence Rolle-Davis.

In a police interview, Mott said she split the stolen money with Karen Sands and Samantha Hart. Mott claimed she used her share to pay the rent for her place at Fritz Lane.

Magistrate Rolle-Davis ordered Mott to pay a $500 fine to avoid a three-month prison sentence.

Police have charged Sands and Hart with receiving stolen money.

Hart pleaded not guilty and was freed on bail. She returns to court for trial on November 9. The court issued a warrant for Sands’ arrest after she didn’t show up for arraignment.