Heather Hunt should not be on national radio discussing NIB – but THE DRA which she was intricately a part of under Minnis’ short ONE TERM!


Duane Sands relative (Heather Hunt) MUST EXPLAIN DRA QUESTIONS!!!

Heather Hunt

NASSAU| So Michael Pintard saw it as convenient last week to send out young Heather Hunt to speak on national radio about NIB. 

Now ya gata wonder how much sense is left in the FNM. The nation awaits the wheels to fall off the opposition party as former Prime Minister Hubert Minnis is just one vote away from regaining control of his FNM. 

Hunt should be the last – and we say that strongly – THE LAST person who should be speaking for the opposition party. But this is no surprise as the opposition had Long Island MP Adrian “da child” Gibson banging on tables this week like a K-3 kid. He ga soon be banging on something with steel and concrete! But we digress!

Hunt should not be raising questions about NIB. She forgets the state her FNM Party left NIB in just over a year ago, eh?

Minnis removed NIB funds off the world Bond Market – cashing in huge global investments by the Board in bluechip stocks which reaped dividends for our people over many years!

– It was under Minnis and the FNM that NIB reported a LOSS for the first time in its history!

– And if that wasn’t bad enough, it was the FNM who didn’t want NIB be to exist in the first place back in 1972 and protested against it in the streets. Yinner forget that hey?

– We have not forgotten how it was the FNM government who invested NIB money in the liquor business! Did Hunt conveniently forget that, too? 

But perhaps Hunt should listen to the voice of her leader (whichever one that is because there is more than one) who has warned her of prosecutions to come over matters down at the DRA!

Hunt should not be in the street talking about NIB – but the DRA where she served as legal advisor while her husband worked on contract! Now that is something to digest. 

She should tell us how funds for the sale of a generator end up on the bank account of the former head honcho at the DRA! And she should be telling Bahamians how millions vanished inside the DRA while the FNM served in office. 

Don’t tell us about NIB – we know how Minnis ran the finances of the Board into the ground. Heather Hunt should tell Bahamians what went down at the DRA!

And guess what? BP is reading audits! WE GONE!