Homes burnt in Bimini forces Minister to move…Election is here!!!

The fire destroyed home of Ms. Artillus Stuart.

Bimini, Bahamas – Accompanied by community leaders of Bimini, Senator Dion Foulkes, Minister of Labour and Social Development, visited the victims of the   fire in Bimini yesterday (Thursday).

On Wednesday a fire destroyed two houses and damaged three others leaving five families (sixteen people) homeless. The Department of Social Services in conjunction with Administrator Sherrick Ellis and Chief Councilor, Lloyd “Dudda” Edgecombe provided temporary housing for all of the families.

Minister Foulkes also informed the persons affected that Social Service will also provide clothing, food and other assistance until they recover.

“The leadership and community of Bimini are commended for the quick response to the fire which prevented further damage to adjacent homes” said Mr. Foulkes.

The Police, headed by ASP Michael Moxey and the Bimini Fire Bricade led the effort in extinguishing the fire.

“We are thankful that there were no injuries and all residents affected by the fire are doing well” stated Senator Foulkes.


  1. i do not get it minister foukles take every photo opt for issues relating to social services, however for labour matters he is silent,unemployment nada,mass firings nada,i would like the minister to gave the most recent and accurate unemployment figures,and the findings on the 2007 public service compensation studies work out the labour issues with john pinder etal.

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