FREEPORT| Bahamas Press is reporting homicide #43 which occurred in the city of Freeport last evening..
We can tell you the victim is 16-year-old Josh Davis. The teen was attending a fuction when he was stabbed multiple times about the body and died. The reason for the attack is still unknown.
But without reporting anything on the matter in an attempt to suggest that crime is down police issued this statement to the media: “Police are pleased to report that there were no major incident reported in New Providence and Southern islands, overnight. Have a wonderful day.”
The statement came with nothing about the Freeport homicide! Absolutely nothing about the teen slaying! What in da hell is this?!
Meanwhile the wutless media in the Bahamas never reported the matter anywhere in the press big Monday morning. What is da hell is dis?
Anyway, this is the 5th victim to be murdered in the past week in the Bahamas. It is the 43rd for the year. Crime is down. Crime reporting is down. The $1.9 million dolllar Spotshotter system don’t work. The media is mute on these issues, and we conclude is not on top of its game. THE POLICE PLAN IS WORKING TO KEEP EVERYTHING FROM BEING REPORTED!
Ah boy …we report yinner decide.