Homicide #76 recorded Sunday evening on First Street the Grove…

Homicide victim #76 on 1st. THE GROVE.

NASSAU| While police appear to have a directive not to report homicides anymore only BP is recording serious homicide incidents and on Sunday evening we record another homicide in the heartland..

Only Bp has confirmed how a man was shot multiple times on 1st Street Coconut Grove earlier Sunday night. He was shot multiple times in a driveby and was transported to hospital where he later died.

Meanwhile only BP again reported the murder of a Bahamasair employee who was shot multiple times outside his home over the weekend. He has been identified as Dencil Gaitor the country’s 75th homicide victim.

We report yinner decide!

Bahamasair employee Dencil Gaitor becomes homicide victim #75 after being shot multiple times outside his home over the weekend.