NASSAU| Bahamas Press has another homicide incident to record, which now raises the homicide count to 60 for the year.
Now, before the holiday, going back to the murder of Hudell Beans in Grand Bahama who was hacked to death by her son, we recorded that homicide as #53 for the year. Then the 54th homicide victim was that man in the Mudd in Abaco who was coming home from work when he was fatally shot.
We got nothing on the details of the man found submerged in waters of Sandy Port, but we never counted that as a homicide – even though we know the victim sustained injuries about the body.
On July 28th we recorded the 55th homicide incident. It was the death of a man who was murdered by his son on Seabreeze Drive. It was on a Sunday afternoon when Shawn Whymms, 53, was hacked to death by his own son. Police never gave further updates on the arrest of Whymms Jr nor have they brought him to the courts as yet. We wonder why?
Saturday afternoon, police found the burnt-out /shot-up vehicle of Calvin Johnson on Eleuthera. Inside the car were human remains. But, hey, police haven’t said a word about that missing man incident labeled homicide #56 by BP.
Then a Cabinet Minister’s brother became homicide victim #57 on Sunday morning. Cabrio Wells [Renward Wells’ brother] was on Roland Street, Ridgeland Park, shortly before 4 AM Sunday when he was shot multiple times to the body and died.
By noon on Sunday another male, Gubba, aged 22, became homicide #58, having been fatally shot to the head on Lucky Hart Corner.
Tuesday morning a man was shot multiple times and died on Bahama Avenue near Blue Hill Road just after midnight. He became homicide victim #59. His identity remains unconfirmed at this time.
And again this morning, police have confirmed to us that one of the males who had been hospitalized for injuries as a result of a shooting incident at a business establishment on East Sunrise Highway died on Tuesday, 6th August, 2019 at 9:25 AM at the Rand Memorial Hospital. He became homicide victim #60.
Man, look here! It is a good thing they keep telling us CRIME IS DOWN! Yea, right! Right down the street in a community near you.
We report yinner decide!