Minister Hope Strachan 2015/2016 Budget Debate Contribution

Minister of State for Transport, Hon. Hope Strachan.
Minister of State for Transport, Hon. Hope Strachan.

Nassau, Bahamas – 2015/2016 Budget Debate Contribution by Financial Services Minster The Hon. C.V. Hope Strachan, House of Assembly on June 3rd, 2015:

Mr Speaker,

I am Truly Thankful to God for his many gifts and Blessings towards me. Once again I have the privilege of being a part of a national budget debate. This is no small feat and it is for me a humbling experience. This is particularly so in light of this present budget. Mr. Speaker, this is a people”s budget. This is a budget of hope. A budget that not only addresses the macro economic needs of the people and the country but addresses so many of the fine details, the everyday issues that matter to the ordinary citizen.

Mr. Speaker, many of those ordinary folk live in the constituency of Seabreeze that I have the honour and privilege to represent.

Mr. Speaker, I can’t thank those fine folks enough. Although many times the going is rough, things are tough, but I still say “Thanks” to the people of Seabreeze.

Mr. Speaker, my thanks translated in this last fiscal period into several change making initiatives.

* Like our recent Mother’s Day give away where me and my team went from door to door with cards and gifts to show our love and appreciation to the mothers of the constituency. We were well received and I was reminded of how sometimes the little things you do matter to people.

* Mr. Speaker there were numerous clean up missions conducted in Seabreeze constituency as we strive to keep our community clean and in a condition that bespeaks a people that are striving for excellence. Many derelict vehicles have been removed for the Seabreeze Lane, Joe Farrington Road area and we are continuing to work with Ministry of The Environment and Urban Renewal to rid our community of these unsightly, dangerous health hazards from around the constituency.

* Sidewalks have been built in several areas of the constituency including Golf Course Boulevard.

* Mr. Speaker, in September last year we had our usual back to school giveaway of back packs, books and school supplies.

* In April around Easter time we had our Third annual Fun

Run Walk, souse out, Easter Egg Hunt and raffle drawing.

The event was well attended and fun was had by all.

* We donated from our constituency allowance the sum of Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000) for donation to The Sadie Curtis Primary School for the purchase of laptop computers. This was a joint effort of parliamentarians and The Ministry of Education.

* On Teachers Appreciation day I was honoured to read to the kindergarten class at Sadie Curtis where we read about farm animals and our colors…

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