Justice Thompson said she was happy the press showed up today – sounded like THEY had BEEN STAYING AWAY! WHY?!

NASSAU| A SUPREME Court judge in the Adrian Gibson corruption trial declined to fine an Atlantis supervisor yesterday, but reprimanded her for allegedly telling a juror to take vacation leave while on jury duty.
Justice Cheryl Grant-Thompson summoned Stevette Moncur, a concierge manager at Atlantis, according to the woman’s LinkedIn page, after a juror complained about the woman’s instructions.
Ms Moncur countered that there was a miscommunication between the two, saying she simply suggested the juror take vacation leave before it expires because a blackout period for Atlantis workers occurs when the hotel experiences high occupancy levels.
Justice Grant-Thompson said her suggestion could make a juror uncomfortable and prompt a $2,000 fine.
She said the juror’s presence in court was not a choice, but an order from the court.
“She did not come here voluntarily. She was summoned to attend,” she added.
“Therefore, she cannot be influenced, threatened or made to feel uncomfortable in any way, and I just want to make sure that you fully understand that.”
“In relation to the fine that is open to me as a result of the complaint that was made to this court, I will not go so far to fine you personally. I will not fine Atlantis. I would’ve fined you personally.
“I will not go so far as to fine you personally today, nor will I move to ask you to show cause as to why you should not be before this court for contempt provision in which case the services of the attorney that you have engaged would have been required because charges would have been drawn.
“I believe a word to the wise is sufficient.”
The judge said she was happy the press attended yesterday’s hearing to spread word about the expected conduct of employers.
Mr Gibson is on trial for allegedly failing to declare his interest in the WSC contracts awarded to various companies.
Mr Gibson and his co-accused –– Elwood Donaldson Jr, Peaches Farquharson, Rashae Gibson, Joan Knowles and Jerome Missick –– face 98 charges altogether, including conspiracy to commit bribery, bribery, fraud, receiving and money laundering.
Damian Gomez, KC, Murrio Ducille, KC, Bryan Bastian, Ryan Eve, Raphael Moxey, Christina Galanos, Ian Cargill and Donald Saunders represent the defendants.
Meanwhile, the Crown’s prosecutors are Cordell Frazier, Cashena Thompson, Karine MacVean, and Rashied Edgecombe.