Hubert Ingraham decided himself he would not give a farewell speech in Parliament


Charles 'Dumb Bread' Maynard Chairman of the FNM - SELLING BED FOR SEX?

Charles ‘Dumb Bread’ Maynard and the Tribune on the LIE AND SPIN again…

Nassau, Bahamas — There are some liars, correction, damn liars in our midst who have wielded a pen for many years to spin truth, rewrite history and pen damnable commentary as they bat for the UBP Party of the country. The ‘dutty’ terlet paper [Tribune] was playing up to the man who is selling bed for sex these days as together they both presented a headline: Ingraham given no chance to tell the House Goodbye.

In that article, Charles Maynard said, “The government did not see fit to hold a special sitting on the 19th knowing that he [Ingraham] had already set a date to resign. Either they wanted to cause him to change his mind or not go through with it at all.”

It was a LIE told by the Chairman of the FNM!

The terlet paper wants to you conclude that as Sir Lynden Pindling was given a special session to define his legacy in the records of the House, so, too, according to their conclusion, the same courtesy should have been extended to the former Prime Minister before he ends his political career.

We at BP wonder where was the Tribune’s editor when this piece was checked because it is factually incorrect. The new government was never given a chance to decide whether or not Ingraham would make final comments for the records of the House, because it was the then Prime Minister, Hubert Ingraham, who, on May 7th, 2012, at the FNM headquarters on Mackey Street sometime around 11pm, said these words and we quote:

“I wish to announce also that I do not propose to lead the party in opposition and I shall resign as leader of the party,” he said.

I shall also not take my seat in the House of Assembly. I shall resign as a member in the House of Assembly. I shall return to private life from whence I came.”

With those words, we can conclude on day one Hubert Ingraham never sought to enter Parliament’s doors ever again. Therefore, one must argue it to be true that Ingraham, not the Christie Government, decided whether or not he should have a special sitting to bid the Bahamian people farewell.

Hubert 'Papa Clown' Ingraham has done it again! Retiring for a second time. Carry ya damn party with ya!

But this is not new to the FNM. The same happened to the leader of its half-sister party, the UBP, when its leader at the time saw the end. Who remembers how Sir Stafford Sands swore to his death he would not serve under a PLP government. He, too, like Ingraham spited his party – and, by extension, the Bahamian people – when he packed his bags, left town and died. He, too, gave the Bahamian people no parting words. We wonder if the DUTTY TERLET Tribune remembered that?

Additionally, Bahamians must remember how Hubert Ingraham victimized Cynthia Mother Pratt, Kenneth Russell, Branville McCartney, Alfred Sears, Earl Deveaux, Deputy Prime Minister Brent Symonette and a number of retiring PLPs and FNMs in the last Parliament on April 11th when he abruptly suspended the House to May 22, not allowing any of the mentioned MPs a chance to express their thanks to the Bahamian people for allowing them to serve their country.


Hubert Ingraham wrote the textbook on victimization, oppression and subjugation in the Bahamas, and today he is the victim of his own-penned text.

Moreover, readers would further remember the words of Hubert Ingraham back in 2002 when he told the country he was leaving for his final journey into retirement after serving two terms as Prime Minister.

Ingraham in that speech spelt out his achievements. He spoke of his management of the economy, his passion to open the airwaves and his ability to deliver the second largest employer to the country. In that farewell, Ingraham told the Bahamian people he could do no more and that two terms was more than enough for being Prime Minister.

He was right, but didn’t take his own advice. He came back, following the demands of a few FNMs – or so he said – and what a mess he left. History, we are certain, will not be kind to him.

He is by far the worst Prime Minister to have ever served in that lofty office and here’s why.

After being fired by the people Ingraham left; Record unemployment, exploding national debt, an escalation of crime and violence – all hallmarks of his failed last term in office, giving the new government a tough fight ahead.

And so it is no wonder why Ingraham refuses to give the country a final farewell. He chose not to, and rightly so. This time, he has nothing good to say about himself or his FNM. The People of the Bahamas fired him and threw his party off the cliff and into the abyss.

But, of course, the Tribune cannot remember that. They have no DAMN SHAME!

We report, yinner decide!