Hubert Ingraham is a DAMN LIAR and the TRUTH IS NOT IN HIM!



Nassau, Bahamas — There’s a righteous anger growing in the country these days and it’s coming from the people. Day by day, more and more people are rejecting the ‘VICKED’ ways of Hubert Ingraham, Leader of the FNM.

Baron Münchhausen was a German baron who served in the military and returned home with tall tales about his adventures. He reportedly told people that he’d traveled to the Moon, ridden cannonballs, and escaped from a swamp by pulling himself out by his own hair.

His supposed adventures became the subject of many books. Over the years, the tales of Münchausen have become popular adventure stories told to children. From early civilization we know that there were chronic liers, but Hubert Ingraham to us is a DAMN LIAR! And we’ll prove it.

Like a hunter gone wild, shooting down the livelihood of everyone he cites, Ingraham’s dog-like mad rage against Bahamians is becoming etched clearer and clearer each day. He has bitten police officers. He has bitten customs officers. He has bitten teachers and social workers. He has bitten temporary workers in the government service [1,500 of them]. He has bitten contractors and anchor developers, causing them to FIRE hundreds of carpenters, masons, electricians, plumbers, painters, tile layers and auxiliary staff in the construction sector.

He has bitten members of the cultural community with his cancellation exercise of CARIFESTA 2008 and 2012. And has bitten a hard bite to artisans in the Junkanoo community. Every where you go Ingraham has hurt, leaving his salivating jaws deep into the flesh of citizens all across this country and guess what? He lied to them all when he said, “You CAN TRUST ME!” Like Hitler and Mugabe, today people in The Bahamas are now doggedly afraid of him, from the ‘Pussy Cat’ right down to the commoner. NOT BP though!

But here where we confirm Ingraham as the BIGGEST LIAR TO DATE this country has ever seen. A week-long sickout by the Nurses Union began because the Ingraham’s government refused to sit down and talk. The government went to the courts, the same time they were letting out of jail 205 harden criminals. Ingraham made a request of the courts to JAIL NURSES if they refused to return to work [ Read Ingraham’s statement ]. But even the threat of jail time didn’t fizzle the nurses. Ingraham went to the House of Assembly and uttered his usual bitter gasp of LIES. He promised to, cause his minister to sit down with the nurses and resolve the dispute. Ingraham said this:

“…We are happy to talk to them [Nurses]…If they go back to work, if the hospital, Princess Margaret Hospital, Sandilands, Rand, public clinics, and the department of Public Health are restored to a state of normalcy, the government would sit down with them forthwith! And engage in meaningful and what we believe beneficial discussions about the matters of which they are concerned. But the government is unwilling and will not budge from its position while they continue their illegal strike. They’re an essential service. Essential services are not allowed to do that and I would hope some of the persons I see with them will give them good advise. We are not their enemies. Nurses only ‘gatta’ look at my history in dealing with them in office; higher increases, etcetera and compare my tenure with any other tenure in The Bahamas. And I tell them I’m the person who is able to deliver! Others they will tell you many things. But if you want result listen to what I say; kindly go back to work and I will cause…and resolve the matter on Monday, NOT A BIG ISSUE! Not a Big issue to resolve.” HUBERT INGRAHAM/ PRIME MINISTER 15th June 2009, in the House of Assembly. Listen to Ingraham LIE

Since that promise to meet and sit down with the nurses, Ingraham still refuses to deliver what he promised. THE DAMN LIAR now suggests that the nurse’s contract is not valid. It has been more than two weeks since the government sat in discussions with the nurses, and still nothing was done. Now we at BP understand Ingraham will bring into the country 45 Filipino nurses. Mind you this was the same man who said a few weeks ago, the PHA if they did an assessment, they would discover the agency is overstaffed! But now Ingraham is importing nurses? Only days after his initial comments. Now isn’t this strange? WHAT A TRAITOR TO THE NURSES OF THIS COUNTRY! AND A DAMN LIAR!

But here in this essay is evidence of Ingraham rogue ways. Ways that are an ever-growing blight on the souls of Bahamians. He acts as if he is not apart of us. As if he’s not one of us. As if he is SHAME of US.

And so we at Bahamas Press wish him well with that LYING TONGUE! We shall not accept his odious pronouncements when he comes to the people next time around. We shall not accept his ways of VULGARITY toward the people of this country! His bite has become so raw and bellicose toward Bahamians that Bahamians like us are numbering his days.

For we the people of this country SHALL RISE as like the words etched by the great African American poet, Maya Angelou, YES, WE SHALL RISE, INGRAHAM! We shall rid your LYING WAYS from the seat of power. Five years can’t done fast enough!

Oh and please, lest we forget, when you go Ingraham please carry with your big life size doll baby name, Perry ‘Pussy Cat’ Christie!

We need Change Bahamas, WE NEED CHANGE!


  1. @rb75

    I don’t know what the Prime Minister agenda is this time around, but I could tell you I am not impressed by him. You all don’t know how much I wish he did stay in retirement. The only politician I am impressed with right now is Branville McCartney. That’s my man of business. You all see Branville gone and tell the Haitians in Creole not to come back here. All I say to myself, boy Branville means business!! Something tell me they still coming back though and I believe this time they will be bring more people with them. You know that’s the first time some of them ever been on an airplane, they might just want come back for the ride. Even though I admire Branville he still aint enough to get me to vote for the FNM in the next election. I could of cope with all the mess they were doing, until I saw the way they handle the situation at EMRH and Birbal aint back in the country yet. No, I can’t see me going to the poll and voting for them. This is not my only reason either, so much other things they did, if I start to talk about it right now I will only get upset.

  2. Kim ,I don’t think that he hates black people it is just that he has to work for his pay from the fringe forces that has paid him to do what he is doing right now…….Hubert came back with an agenda and he is cerrying it out .

    Hubert Ingrham is not a good administrator to our countries dismay and to its now damage state he has taken this country to new lows .

  3. bahngr :LOL I am shocked that any of this comes as asurprise to Bahamians!!Hubert alexander Ingraham HATES BLACK PEOPLE!!!!

    How could he hate black people? So you think in Hubert’s mind he sees himself as a white man? I heard people saying a longtime ago that he could be very delusional at times.

  4. LOL I am shocked that any of this comes as asurprise to Bahamians!!
    Hubert alexander Ingraham HATES BLACK PEOPLE!!!!

  5. This will not be the first time that the prime minister brought in foreign nurses.During the late 1990s the prime minister hired 100 nurses from Barbados,well this TURNED OUT TO BE A DIASTER.The Bajans nurses QUALIFICATIONS WERE NOT ON PAR WITH OUR BAHAMIAN NURSES AND THEIR TRAINING AND MEDICAL EXPERTISE WERE ALL INFERIOR TO OUR NURSES.IN SHORT THE BAJAN NURSES PROVED TO BE A HEALTH RISK TO THE PATIENTS AND IN LESS THAN ONE YEAR ALL WERE SHIPPED OUT.This can easily be verified by checking with any nurse from the late 1990s.

  6. @truthhurts
    Boy you are a sad case.. What’s all the foul language and insults for?? Just state the facts as you know them.. Typical human, rather attack the person rather than the issues.. Stop the pettiness and stick to the issues!! Only then we all might learn something…

    I only repeated what Nurse Hamilton said on a show on thursday so no need to attack me!!

    Oh yeah, and this is an open forum. I or anyone else can answer whom ever when ever we feel the need to.. It does not matter to whom the poster is responding to… If you don’t wish to respond to my posts then don’t, just ignore me…

  7. @Russell Johnson

    Russell Johnson :
    You are a nut case so full of shit and hot air.You and unknown persons intrnd to takeover without the consent of the Bahamian people?I love reading your trash as in one breath you lambast Cleola and praise HAI then then come back and pretend to be non aligned to any political party.I hope tyour drunken buddies dont take you serious as I have checked your style and notice it resembles that of the prolific writer to the newspapers Ivoine Ing.Only dummies like you are put at the front of thge class so stay there alone.Since you are so clever tell us why HAI seems to have such hatred for Cleola?Oh I know why,HAI and his blind supporters hate everyone who dares challenge them.Am privileged to be among the hated crew and will wear your attacks as a badge of honor.

    dumbness should never be worn proudly. don’t be mad at me because you were wrong. i’m sure it won’t be the last time.

    btw – are we back to guessing who writes what on BP?
    that is so very last year. haven’t you learned anything? hasn’t media warned you about that time and time and time again?

    gotta go find my drunken buddies now. ta ta.

  8. @truthhurts
    You are a nut case so full of shit and hot air.You and unknown persons intrnd to takeover without the consent of the Bahamian people?I love reading your trash as in one breath you lambast Cleola and praise HAI then then come back and pretend to be non aligned to any political party.I hope tyour drunken buddies dont take you serious as I have checked your style and notice it resembles that of the prolific writer to the newspapers Ivoine Ing.Only dummies like you are put at the front of thge class so stay there alone.Since you are so clever tell us why HAI seems to have such hatred for Cleola?Oh I know why,HAI and his blind supporters hate everyone who dares challenge them.Am privileged to be among the hated crew and will wear your attacks as a badge of honor.

  9. @russell johnson

    the back of the class ain’t even good enough for you. and you’re actually quite easy and quite stupid.



    the president of the industrial tribunal does that. but you were probably confusing him with the registrar of trade unions who is also NOT the registrar general.

    Oh my God. I give up. Seriously.

    read my post @ objective thought for further clarification, but in the meantime, let me add that you big party supporters are becoming such useless relics.

    it seems one cannot question the plp or the fnm. all yall in for a big surprise in 2012.

  10. @objective thought

    no one was talking to you. but if you want to make an ass out of yourself, so be it. if bothered to read at all, you would have read the union’s lawyer explaining that the tribunal wrote all the parties but he had his reasons for not remedying the situation. and as you can see he was proven wrong and now they have no leg to stand on.
    speak to your illiterate die-hards on either side about what you beleive. just don’t try to pass it off to me as the truth.
    i read bp frequently,. but i don’t swallow it all whole man.
    i don’t support the plp or the fnm, and i thin the nurses deserve health insurance. but don’t be a mindless fool. the least you could do as a decent human being is admit that the nurses union didn’t cover their own butts, and ended up looking kinda stupid.

  11. @truthhurts
    I just love it when rabid supporters of the Govt are playing defense.All parties to labour agreements sign contracts which are then registered with the dEPT OF lABOUR THEN SENT TO THE rEGISTRAR gEN FOR FILING.I t is obvious that the Reg Gen was inept because even though the Govt negotiated with the Nurses Union they did not know that the contract signed was not registered.Am made to understand that the contract of many unions have suffered the same fate.So stop towing the party line as you like many others would not know the truth even if it carried a sign saying what it is.Go and read books about Hitler who had persons in his camp like you nincompoo.Am glad to stand in the back of the class as slow persons are allowed to stand out front so they cannot miss whats going on.Find better arguments when you wish to attack me.I aint easy.

  12. Altec :
    One more thing, what does PC have to do with this issue?
    This issue is between the government (FNM) and the nurses union. To my knowledge the nurses union had no issues with the PC administration.
    Bringing up PC serves no purpose in this post other than for you to take a personal shot at him. Your like an addict needing a fix, cause you cant seem to help yourself. You must take a shot at PC even if he isnt doing anything.
    WOW, i wonder what PC did to you!

    I must agree… BP is letting his personal feelings get mixed up with common sense!! But BP you still are the best when it comes to bringing up the relevant issues!!!

  13. Oh, and Media you also forgot to mention how when Dion Foulks was interviewed by the press, he mentioned that the nurses agreement was not registered but they will NOT let that stop them from meeting with the nurses and trying to bring a speedy end to this situation… Well, we now know that that was also a big LIE!!! They had NO intention of even trying to resolve this matter. They just wanted the nurses to go back to work!!

  14. truthhurts :
    go to the back of the class. unions and management are equally responsible for filing their agreements. ask any labor lawyer. except obie ferguson i guess. you think the hotel union could even step to atlantis if they contract ain’t signed? get a clue.
    what is sad is that all that noise cleola was talking and she ain’t had sense enough to double check that her contract was registered. stupid is as stupid does.
    you can’t play politics with ingraham if you don’t understand the rules of the game. ask your boy perry about that.

    Now you know your comments are just as stupid as this govt. seem to be!! You need to get the facts!!

    The nurses did file their agreement with the registrar and they had every right to believe that their agreement was registered because if there were any legal problems with the agreement, they (registrar) would send out some kind of notice to both parties stating why the agreement could not be registered… To this date, years after the agreement was filed, there has been no communication to either parties from the registrar!!

    That my friend is the facts!!!

  15. Altec :
    Media, if HAI brings in those foreign nurses you know the nurse’s union will go nuts!
    The money HAI will be paying out to bring in 15 nurses (salary and housing) he could pay towards the bahamian nurses insurance. Its a total contradiction to say you dont have the money and turn around and find money (that you said you dont have) to hire foreigners.
    This cant be happening!

    Maybe HI doesn’t think that the nurses deserve any insurance which is why it’s not a priority of his govt…

  16. BP just as a note, The word is LIAR and not LIER…..

    You didn’t mention the fact that HI’s goons made the nurses an offer but refuse to adjust it even though the nurses have rejected it!! Well, we all know why that is.. They won’t adjust it because HI is a LIAR just like you have said.. He does NOT want to negotiate and never planned to negotiate, he just wanted the nurses to go back to work!! HI is a DICTATOR so he believes that people should just do what he says/wants all the time…

    He seems to think that he is our boss and not the other way around.. We must let him know that we are his bosses!! But this is one of the main reasons why I didn’t want HI to be our PM once again but as usual, Bahamians forget very quickly.. We knew he was a dictator from his last stint in office so we have gotten just what we voted for!!

  17. @russell

    go to the back of the class. unions and management are equally responsible for filing their agreements. ask any labor lawyer. except obie ferguson i guess. you think the hotel union could even step to atlantis if they contract ain’t signed? get a clue.
    what is sad is that all that noise cleola was talking and she ain’t had sense enough to double check that her contract was registered. stupid is as stupid does.
    you can’t play politics with ingraham if you don’t understand the rules of the game. ask your boy perry about that.

  18. By now, everybody should know how petty HI is. The nurses contract was signed under the PLP and he no intention of honouring it… What a petty man or should i say child

  19. @mashup
    It is not the Nurses Union that registers contracts as the Govt bureacracy does so.It is so convenient for the Govt to now claim that the agreement was not registrered.What hatred does this Govt have for the heads of the Nurses Union?Shame on you HAI you are a traitor to the people of the Bahamas please stop while there is still a way out.Trust my come the Govt never brought it to the attention of the Union during negotiations?I do not like the mood of the Bahamain people something is seethintg and a minority popularty Govt sure believe they can say and tell us anything.Maybe just maybe they dont intend to hold Gn Elects in this country ever again.mmmppphhh

  20. Our health care workers are not paid much at all. To bring in foreigners to do nursing is just another example of how this administration doesn’t put Bahamians first. These last two years have been an embarrasing mess. Media, your personal attacks on Perry Christie show just how much you despise him. Why even bring him up when HAI is at the helm of this shipwreck. It’s laughable!

  21. these nurses don’t get no love from me. they didn’t even have the common sense to register their own contract. they overplayed their hand and are now losing ground.

  22. One more thing, what does PC have to do with this issue?

    This issue is between the government (FNM) and the nurses union. To my knowledge the nurses union had no issues with the PC administration.

    Bringing up PC serves no purpose in this post other than for you to take a personal shot at him. Your like an addict needing a fix, cause you cant seem to help yourself. You must take a shot at PC even if he isnt doing anything.

    WOW, i wonder what PC did to you!

  23. Media, if HAI brings in those foreign nurses you know the nurse’s union will go nuts!

    The money HAI will be paying out to bring in 15 nurses (salary and housing) he could pay towards the bahamian nurses insurance. Its a total contradiction to say you dont have the money and turn around and find money (that you said you dont have) to hire foreigners.

    This cant be happening!

  24. @johnny tucker

    – start your own damn blog and stop flippin hijacking these stories for your own self aggrandizement.

  25. This BP editor is off the chain and anyone who can dish it out like this we here at “TUCKER NEWS” have coined the phraze “A political cat- cunnie” I would love to see this editor on the political podium he/she is a crowd pleaser….

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