Nassau, Bahamas — Bahamas Press is never amazed by the man who speaks out of two sides of his mouth. Sometimes he speaks for “Special Interests Groups”, like when he said BahaMar was too big for the island. When he said that, he was speaking for Kerzner.
Then after one trip to China, BahaMar suddenly became the best thing for the country since sliced bread. This was after holding up the project for years before selling the land.

Then it was his “Special Interest” connections of luxury helicopter rides in the Exuma Land and Sea Park, a protected seabed where Bahamians cannot swim much less fish. But one meeting with the King of Spain and a mix and mingle of Grand Children meeting Grand Children and soon enough an approval to dredge the “Protected Seabed” was approved.
We hear Hubert Ingraham these days talking about lawyers’ consultancy services with an oil company, but we hear nothing about his law firm, Ingraham and CO, which represents Schooner Bay and how he {Mr. Ingraham} and one of his Ministers own property in the development.
Perhaps Hubert Ingraham would explain to the Bahamian people how his firm was operated by his daughter, right up to up to last week before she joined McKinney Bancroft and Co.?
This same firm made and still does make applications to the Bahamas Government. Does this raise an interesting rebuttal to the PM’s assertions that the lawyers in question ought not to be consultants?
Bahamas Press further jolts Ingraham’s memory concerning his OWN oil affiliations.
Perhaps Papa Clown should remember how he, prior to becoming Prime Minister of the Bahamas, was the lawyer for the liquidators for an oil refinery company on Grand Bahama.
But we need to remind the man who is in the fight for his life to hold onto power something else about that deal.
Hubert Ingraham must be reminded that, before becoming PM of the Bahamas, Muammar Gaddafi’s Lybian government owned those refineries on Grand Bahamas and Hubert Ingraham was hired as the lawyer for the liquidator. Isn’t that interesting?
Despite his political ambitions and aspirations, the question of improper influence never arose in his head, so why now?
Hubert often tells friends it was his biggest PAYDAY EVER as a lawyer.

Further, the biggest idea of kickbacks occurred recently in his five-year team right in his Cabinet. Did Hubert Ingraham not know the same people he hired and is now paying an almost 100 million dollar charge in overruns for the poorly mismanaged road project now underway, contracted a company connected to his Deputy Prime Minister Brent Symonette? Is the PM aware that that same Cabinet Member #2 never disclosed his interest to the Parliament?
Additionally, we note Branville McCartney’s team was out at the Opposition’s office protesting? Well where were they when the leader of the DNA sat as a member of the FNM Cabinet and collected money through his lawfirm from BAIC? Where were they then? BOY I TELL YA PEOPLE DOES FORGET NAH!
Additionally, perhaps those in the the DNA [The breakaway of the FNM] need to question their leader on an incident involving false imprisonment of an investor from up north and an alleged attempt to EXTORT funds from that investor. YA KNOW WE AT BP ALWAYS HAVE THE GOODS ON THESE SHYSTERS!!!
This is deceit in its purest form. But in the head of Papa Clown perhaps this too is a hologram. And really never happened.
Boy, we tell ya, if ya don’t laugh you will cry.