O how the high and mighty have fallen. The “god” of the dingy colour red group came to Parliament to seek sympathy. The man who FNMS say there is “nobody greater than” had to humble himself today. He came to town bringing his circus into the hallowed halls of Parliament. He brought two former speakers with him, Rome Italia Johnson and Alvin “Wutless” Smith.
These two former speakers allowed Papa Clown to run the Parliament like a “whore house” as they let him and his cronies say whatever they wanted with no rebuke from the Chair. Alvin Smith allowed ” Wutless” to be a parliamentery word, what utter nonsense.
We saw Goddie Bostwick, Earl Deveaux and a number of Skanks who are grateful to Papa Clown for their survival. But the Pillsbury Dough and Brensil Rolle really stand out in our mind. Brensil is all over facebook talking dog do do about the PLP could have soared like eagles rather than crabs. Well, muddoes, they don’t remember the precedence being set by Hubert Ingraham when he caused Orville Turnquest to resign in November 1994 and held the pension of Sir Lynden hostage, forcing him to resign in July 1997. They had to make their statements at item J on the agenda. Hubert Ingraham and the FNM were in charge of the house then. So what makes him so special now?
Hubert Ingraham was only grandstanding because he knew the rules. He was looking for sympathy and got none. Such a low life coward. We cannot wait to see the back of him. In the words of a close friend, “I hope to be alive to walk behind his coffin and come back that night and piss on his grave for what he did to me and my family”.
What a big coward! He had to come to Bay street with his lackeys, cronies, skanks, yellow brigade and goons. Boy! if you don’t laugh you will cry. We cry shame on the boxfish head mongrel! You will get no sympathy from us. Be gone.