Hubert Ingraham, when serving as Prime Minister of the Bahamas, interfered in the case with the Barefoot Bandit and got dimples to represent him!


Where was the WUTLESS Bahamian MEDIA when this happened? WHERE WERE THEY?

Colton Harris-Moore arrives barefoot, handcuffed and shackled as he is escorted by police upon arrival to Nassau, Bahamas, Sunday July 11, 2010. Harris-Moore was arrested before dawn in northern Eleuthera island, according to police. Island police had been searching for the fugitive since he allegedly crash-landed a stolen plane a week ago on nearby Great Abaco Island, where he was blamed for a string of at least seven break-ins and has been running from U.S. law enforcement since escaping from a Washington state halfway house in 2008. (AP Photo/Felipe Major)


Nassau, Bahamas — Junior Minister for Finance posted on his Facebook page the following: “If you take a lie and wrap it up in the thickest, most beautiful comforter in the world, it will still be an ugly, cold, evil thing that cannot live forever. Truth on the other hand, can stand naked in the coldest winter storm and still forever offer protection, warmth and life to the one who wraps himself or herself in it.”

The words are fitting for this article today and at the end of it we will lay a cut-you-know-what on the Prime Minister.

Hubert Ingraham held a press conference Wednesday and decided to lay a bald-faced, barefoot LIE before the TV audience. He claimed and we quote:

“The Barefoot Bandit…nobody was able to produce a shred of evidence to take to any court as to how he [Colton Harris-Moore] could be charged with any offense. NOBODY! Other than the fact that he was here illegally. He didn’t land in the Bahamas legally. Not a single bit of evidence. But yet you say, Ohhhh, you let him go. [Laugh].”

Hubert Ingraham should remove himself as chairman of the Crime Council of the Bahamas and should reconsider his federal status as agent #1622 for the American Government. The question put to the PM has opened a can of worms and has unlocked a tunnel into the head of the sitting leader of the Bahamas.

Many journalists around the world would have known via the Associated Press that Colton Harris-Moore, the 19 year-old barefoot robber, had landed a plane in Abaco illegally. But more importantly, Bahamian police and the international press had evidence of his crimes committed on that island. THERE WERE CLEAR COLD FACTS, WHICH POINTED TO THE FACTS THAT MOORE COMMITTED CRIMES HERE IN THE BAHAMAS!

For example, days before he was captured, AP writer MIKE MELIA reported the search for Moore had intensified on Abaco. He reported authorities suspect the teen dubbed the “Barefoot Bandit” has been hiding in thick groves of trees and emerging at night to break into homes and shops to steal provisions.

Hulan Hanna then updated AP on Moore’s maneuvers on Abaco, which had taken him into the Curly Tail Restaurant and Bar. There, the Barefoot Bandit was captured on camera breaking into the establishment in Marsh Harbour. The story was again, carried by AP and all over the world via broadcast and print media [Isn’t it an offense to break into an establishment?]. But here’s more information.

Moore was captured on video stealing a boat from the bar’s marina and here’s where we prove Hubert Ingraham is a BOLDFACE, Barefoot LIAR!

The owner of the establishment, Alister McDonald, an Australian citizen, immediately reported the matter to Bahamian police on Abaco and handed over video evidence to them showing the Barefoot Bandit committing his crime. But that’s not all.

PLAYING POKER WITH THE PEOPLE - Hubert Ingraham lied to the public and interferred in justice in the Colson case.

Days following, Moore was capture on the high seas near Harbour Island. Bahamian police were seen chasing him as he brandished an illegal weapon. Police then shot out the engine of the stolen boat driven by Moore and caught the young criminal.

Commissioner of police, Ellison Greenslade, later held a press conference following the episode and told local media that Moore will be charged with a list of serious offenses. The COP said that first and foremost, “He had an illegal weapon. Guns are illegal in the Bahamas and therefore we are looking at a charge for that.”

When one reads into all this, we wonder then, how did the mongrel, Hubert Ingraham, come to his conclusions on the Barefoot Bandit story? Again we say, Ingraham is a DAMN BOLD-FACED LIAR! Bahamian people aren’t STUPID and FOOL like the half brains, which sit idle around your WUTLESS Cabinet!

We impress on journalists in this country to lay the facts on the JACKASSES running this nation, and to not be shaken the next time another opportunity is offered to them. Do not be afraid to test your information. And when you find them lying to the People, challenge them and make them shamed!


We report yinner decide!