Letter Writer confirms even on Holy Sunday Bahamians getting swing! Police must now act on the ongoing fraud!
In the interest of the Public Bahamas Press is calling on the Commissioner of Police to freeze the money collected by scamers right now swindling money from Bahamians at the Wyndham Hotel…Bahamians are being robbed as we write!
Dear BP,
Alotta people got swung this past God-given ‘Sundie’ at the Wyndham Resort attending the Scott Yancey Real Estate event. Online registration promised the first 15 people to show up would receive an ipad with all attendees receiving a digital camera by the end of the event.
This was my main reason for showing up which is why ine do no research beforehand. But by the end of the 3 hour long event the host named Tim had convinced over half of the 150 people there to fully or partially cough up $2,000 tuition to attend a 3-day real estate course in Florida set for this weekend. And plus ween get no ipad or camera just a gift certificate to have it mailed in.
Now you would think Bahamians would be the hardest people to swing but unfortunately many elderly people there saw this as a way out of a financial bind. I went home, did some research and found this link of Americans who got swung all year. Find reviews here>>> http://www.reviewopedia.com/scott-yancey-reviews
Come to find out, when they get you to the 3 day course, they try to swindle you even further by asking for $20,000-$40,000 for a course that would get you into the inner circle of real estate sales.
Anyway, Wednesday, (11-12-2013) is the last day the duped can ask for their money back if they call a particular number. Please BP expose these scam artists so that more of our Bahamians don’t sink further into an financial hole in this bad economy.
Thanks! Signed,
A Bahamian tired of getting swing!