Hurricane Ike ready to hit the Texas coastline




  1. Subject: Fwd: Hurricane Relief Donations

    If any of you are trying to find a way to donate to the islands that were devastated by hurricane Ike please see below.

    Hi All

    we are asking everyone to use their email contacts to spread the word that Queen’s College and the Methodist Church have partnered with local organizations and businesses to launch a major hurricane relief drive for Inagua, Turks & Caicos and Haiti.

    The Methodist Habitat organization will be assisting in the repair and reconstruction of homes in Inagua and Turks & Caicos but an even more severe humanitarian need is present in Haiti. After being affected by four consecutive storms, thousands in Haiti have lost their homes, clothing…everything. The Church is forming partnership with airlines and shipping companies to transport relief aid to Haiti, so all we need now is for the hearts of Bahamians to be touched and want to donate items to the Emergency Haitian Relief Effort

    The Depot has been set up at the Q.C. Auditorium and will be open for receiving items on Fridays, beginning on September 12 from 2.00 – 8.00 p.m. and on Saturdays, beginning on September 13, 8.00 – 5.00 p.m.

    Items to be received are: Clothing for men, women, children and babies; shoes, bed sheets, towels, small toys for children, household utensils and non-perishable food items. Persons donating items should be aware that these items have to be packed and shipped to Haiti and are asked to refrain from donating large items. We ask that persons also ensure that clothing and other items are in good condition. Donors are also asked to pre-sort their clothing items before bringing them to the Q.C. Auditorium. Items should be brought in firm card board boxes and labeled as to the content in each box. Used shoes should be placed in plastic bags with the shoe size clearly labelled on the bag.

    We also invite individuals, businesses, churches and all organizations to make a financial donation to the BCMC Disaster R elief Fund. The BCMC has a history of 16 years of Disaster Relief Programmes and continues to work to help those in need. Our ministry is carried out through Methodist Habitat, with Headquarters in James’ Cistern, Eleuthera.

    Donations can be mailed to Bahamas Methodist Habitat, P.O. Box S.S. 5103 or if you phone us we can collect your donation: 393-3726.
    OR: Make a deposit to Methodist Habitat, Royal Bank of Canada, Mackey Street Branch (Branch # 05715) Account # 1284553

    Send this email to everyone you know and lets do something to help.

    God’s blessings on you all.

    Henry Knowles
    General Secretary
    Bahamas Conference of the Methodist Church

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