Ife Bethel-Sears relinquishes her crown as Miss Earth Bahamas 2009



Click to listen to Gems 105.9FM newscast on her decision

Breaking news now coming to Bahamas Press now confirm that more controversy is spewing out of the Miss Bahamas beauty pageant committee. We’ve just learned that Ife Bethel- Sears, Miss Earth Bahamas and first runner up of the pageant, has relinquished her crown. Bethel-Sears released a press statement to members of the public confirming her decision.

Kiara Sherman was crowned Miss Bahamas Universe 2009 under the theme “A Taste of the Bahamas Through Elegance” at the Nassau Wyndham Resorts, Rain Forest Theatre on Sunday, May 25th.

The pageant has suffered suspicion in its judging system, where some judges argued against the winner of the event. Bethel-Sears is the daughter of the former Minister of Education and Attorney General of the Bahamas Alfred Sears.


  1. @call it as i see it
    YOU SAID the judges decisions are final I dnt think you understand what took place… 5 out of the 9 judges voted DIFFERENTLy from the results… 2 of the EXPERIENCED judges Byranna Clarke and Neil Craig was suppose to judge but did not judge at the pageant…

    WHEN CAMILLE KENNY was announced 4th runner up ALL the judges was shocked and One judge went out the room CURSING.

    When they announced Keira as queen a next judge went out cursing the others looked shocked and said WHAT HAPPENED’.

    Majority of the crowd was ROWDY and stepped out…One even threw a glass at keira on stage


    Videos and MAINY complaints was sent to Donald Trump miss Universe organization..

    Ife BETHEL DROPED OUT BECAUSE in the contract she must postpone school and must finance herself at miss earth.

    Miss Bahamas Universe organisers contacted ALLYSa 4th runner up for miss Bahamas International… SHE Dont want nothing to do with the organization. Contacted Camille… she dont want to sign nothing but keira’s contract… Called Krystel but decided it wont be fair because she was SELECTED as Miss Bahamas Hibiscus… Called Aisha same thing as krystel but is Miss Bahamas Carnival… Called Aquelle dont want nothing to do with the organisers.. NEXT IN LINE ALEXANDRA WHO PLACED 9th at Miss bahamas Universe has accepted but will undergoe HEAVY HEAVY CRITICISM…..

    Internationaly pageant critics are criticising GAYNELl and keira… LAUGHING AT US!…….. THIS IS LOOKING LIKE THIS IS GOING TO BE GAYNELL’s LAST YEAR AS DIRECTOR!

  2. I know nothing of beauty contest so whoever the judges say won I support.All of the contestants are winners and have nothing to be ashamed of.I have never met our beauty Queen but from reading her story on my space she comnes across as genuine and sweet.She can be used by Social services to reach disadvantaged young people.From what I read she has always had to fight for her rights.My kind of a person who earns whatever platitudes come her way.

  3. When last I heard, the judges decisions are final. She was not my choice but it is what it is and you can’t please everyone.

    I wish Miss Sherman all the best as she moves on to represent (those who supported her, those who do not support her) and the entire Bahamas in August!

    Keira did not crown herself, we can’t beat the judges or change their minds, so let us support her.

    Good luck Keira! See you on stage in August!

  4. COME ON! :
    I got this information from Miss Jamaica’s contract which they follow for years….
    “Shall be a person whose background is not likely to bring into disrepute the Miss Jamaica Beauty Pageant or Miss Jamaica World title or the Promoter or any person associated with them.”
    “The Promoter has the right, without giving any reason whatsoever; to bar any applicant from entering the Miss Jamaica (World) Contest whom he feels may bring the contest into disrepute.”
    NOW THAT IS JUST A SIMPLE EXAMPLE… FIRSTLY Gaynelle Rolle didnt perform her duties as Organiser/Promoter… Everybody knows that Keira sings “Private Dancer” us BAHAMAINS MIGHT NOt have a problem with it but from a International Point of View it wont be accepted. Trump cant risk keira Placing let alone winning if this video and song surface.
    But all do respect to “media” we shouldnt not accept mediocrity and be bias. Miss Bahamas Universe pageant this year has been a contreversial one, I am passionate for pageantry and there has been alot of things that went down at the pageant which the MEDIA is not reporting. Based upon Miss Universe’s placements after the top 12 or 15 is announced all the results are erased. THIS DID NOT HAPPEN AT MISS BAHAMAS UNIVERSE
    Also, We must question how the preliminary judges JUDGED. Most of them dont know nothing about pageantry yet most of the judges who are good freinds of Gaynell voted at the prelims and final night.
    There were Two judges who knows about pageantry and was suppose to judge final night but was stoped for some of the preliminary judges. NOW MISS USA which has 50 contestants had 7 preliminary judges and NONE of them Judged the final night. And also, there were more that 7 prelim judges who judged and all didnt judge EVERY EVENT.. Clint Watson and gaynell herself judged a few of the prelims.
    Also with pageantry experience When judging Swimwear or Eveneing gown. The judges are not suppose to judge the body or the gown alone. They are suppose to judge how confident they are, how their walk is. Keira had one of the best gowns but it COULD NOT FIT her properly therefore she kicked her foot kicked her foot thats not ladylike and POISED. I wouldnt mention her final answer NEVER EVER yuck the mic out the host hand let alone point to the crowd like you ready to be miss Jungliss..

    Kiara dress is not that big of an issue. I’ll volunteer to design Kiara’s dress for the pageant, if none of our fashion designers wants to do it, which I strongly don’t believe. I have learned from one of the best fashion designer on this island, Mr. Percy Wallace and I have worked along with a few others and I have sewed for many special events. I am sure I would be able to have Kiara stepping out in style.

  5. Kiara Sherman has already won the Miss Bahamas title hands down and if nobody steps on her gown and fall her down, she will be representing us in the up coming Miss Universe Pageant. Instead of trying to rain on this beautiful young lady parade and pull her down, let’s get behind her and support her 100%.

  6. @media

    I got this information from Miss Jamaica’s contract which they follow for years….
    “Shall be a person whose background is not likely to bring into disrepute the Miss Jamaica Beauty Pageant or Miss Jamaica World title or the Promoter or any person associated with them.”

    “The Promoter has the right, without giving any reason whatsoever; to bar any applicant from entering the Miss Jamaica (World) Contest whom he feels may bring the contest into disrepute.”

    NOW THAT IS JUST A SIMPLE EXAMPLE… FIRSTLY Gaynelle Rolle didnt perform her duties as Organiser/Promoter… Everybody knows that Keira sings “Private Dancer” us BAHAMAINS MIGHT NOt have a problem with it but from a International Point of View it wont be accepted. Trump cant risk keira Placing let alone winning if this video and song surface.

    But all do respect to “media” we shouldnt not accept mediocrity and be bias. Miss Bahamas Universe pageant this year has been a contreversial one, I am passionate for pageantry and there has been alot of things that went down at the pageant which the MEDIA is not reporting. Based upon Miss Universe’s placements after the top 12 or 15 is announced all the results are erased. THIS DID NOT HAPPEN AT MISS BAHAMAS UNIVERSE

    Also, We must question how the preliminary judges JUDGED. Most of them dont know nothing about pageantry yet most of the judges who are good freinds of Gaynell voted at the prelims and final night.

    There were Two judges who knows about pageantry and was suppose to judge final night but was stoped for some of the preliminary judges. NOW MISS USA which has 50 contestants had 7 preliminary judges and NONE of them Judged the final night. And also, there were more that 7 prelim judges who judged and all didnt judge EVERY EVENT.. Clint Watson and gaynell herself judged a few of the prelims.

    Also with pageantry experience When judging Swimwear or Eveneing gown. The judges are not suppose to judge the body or the gown alone. They are suppose to judge how confident they are, how their walk is. Keira had one of the best gowns but it COULD NOT FIT her properly therefore she kicked her foot kicked her foot thats not ladylike and POISED. I wouldnt mention her final answer NEVER EVER yuck the mic out the host hand let alone point to the crowd like you ready to be miss Jungliss..


  7. @COME ON!
    You can vent all you wish ‘Come On’ but what you wouldn’t do is cuss back at us.

    Secondly if you read out post carefully you would understand we never took issue with MISS Camille, not the pageant. We simply asked the Ministry of Work to exercise better judgement when approving billboard. Nothing more! That is what we conveyed.


  8. @media

    YOU have the right to bash out Camille Kenny for wearing a brown bathing suit but dont do the same for keira private dancing Sherman… NOW WHERE IS THE TRANSPERENCY WITH THAT?.. I like Keira but honestly when selecting a queen THINGS like those videos will hurt her and give us bahamains a bad name… keira is a humble girl but she shouldve known better POINT BLANK. I’m sure there’s more videos.. Im sure her song alone will hurt her character. IT MAKES ME DAMN UPSET to see “Media”bashing on Camille Kenny. WHY CAN YOU POST FACTS

    Aquelle Plarkaris might BE IT NOT SURE!
    Aisha who IS Publicly GAY is Miss Bahamas Carnival


  9. Russell Johnson :
    Sorry the tape of kiara Sherman performing and singing is no longer at youtube but can be found on myspace under this website:::Somebody is moving quickly trying to cleanup lo./

    Just saw the video. Its not the best quality, but if that is her, i can see where this video can be a cause for concern.

  10. Sorry the tape of kiara Sherman performing and singing is no longer at youtube but can be found on myspace under this website::Somebody is moving quickly trying to cleanup lo./

  11. Amanda Appleyard is now Miss Earth Bahamas. It was reported that a new Miss International Bahamas was crowned yesterday?. Allysa Knowles the next in line did not accept?. Reports were that Camille Kenny was not going to accept. Does anyone know who was crowned yesterday?.

  12. LOl No im not a former contestant…. BUT I am passionate about pageantry.. I dont think the general public understand the importance of The Bahamas hosting Miss Universe. The Bahamas has never placed top 15 in miss universe… This wouldve been a ideal time for us to place.. Ive been in the pageantry business for plenty years and I’ve made plenty observations… Miss Bahamas 2008 Sasha Scott was pretty white smart girl her wardrobe at miss universe was the worste maybe because thr ORGANZIATION didnt supply her with funds for Miss Universe… Miss Bahamas Universe 07 Trinere Lynes went on Miss Universe Interview and the question they asked her what do she do… THE GIRL actually stated that she is THINKINg about going to COB but she hasnt made up her mind ALSO she would Love to get into MICheal Jackson’s head to see what he is thinking.. OH YES THAT YEAR was ALSO FIXED FOR TRINERE TOO she was 5’4′.

    Do yal understand that when you host miss Universe youre chances of placing is very high?… Do yal understnd that keirsa Sherman is a pretty girl however she lacks the pageantry skills, the look, The modeling skills, The speaking skills and the most important THE CROWD to support her.

    I dont Think yal heard about GAYNELL STUBBS she is known for years of manipulating Miss Bahamas for EXTRA donations…DO YAL KNOW THE INTERNATIONAl pageant critics are macking a complete MOCK OUT OF keira? SAYINg that shes 5’6 and not that attractive?

    Reality is there were only two contestants who has the experience for this priveldge they are Aquelle Plarkis and Camille Kenny… NOW IFe-Bethel Sears did a superb job and Im proud of her she deserved 1st runner up she had the best body and she dont need much training if she was chosen as queen. Amanda Appleyard she was the GEM of the pageant she started out a bit rocky but her passion and dermination aided her to the top. She was VERY VERY GRACEFULL,expecially for her first pageant she did wonderful now her down fall was her bODY. IF she was chosen as queen she wouldnt be ready for Miss Universe starting in AUGUST. Now Aquelle she has the expereince She won miss commonwealth in case yal didnt know but she didnt stand out….. Camille Kenny has all the qualities of miss Universe however her styling was TOO MUCH. She had on too much makeup her hair didnt need that long extention and i was a bit disappointed in her dress it was nice but couldve been better.

    Miss Bahamas Universe shouldve went to Camille Kenny
    1st runner up Ife Bethel Sears
    2nd runner up Amanda Appleyard
    3rd runner up Aquelle Plarkaris
    4th runner up Allysa Knowles or Kiara Sherman

    I AM NOT BIAS I AM STATING WHAT SHOULDVE HAPPENED point blank now I honestly dont see Keira Sherman placing due to her height and looks.

  13. Furor Over Miss Bahamas Vote Continues

    The furor surrounding the results of the Miss Bahamas pageant continues with a judge claiming that five out the nine officials had voted in favor of another contestant.

    Speaking with The Tribune on the condition of anonymity, the judge yesterday claimed the five voted overwhelmingly in support of Amanda Appleyard, and not Kiara Sherman, who was crowned Miss Bahamas on Sunday night. Reportedly, officials at the event claim that Ms Sherman’s results were far higher than any other – a claim some judges are finding hard to believe.


    Allegedly in the lead up until the pageant, Ms Sherman was reported to be 150 points ahead of any other contestant following the preliminary rounds. While the judge questioned the authenticity of this assessment, they also questioned how preliminary results, which they claim should not have been included in the totals on the pageant night could possibly have been used.

    “The Miss Universe pageant requires that all preliminary scores are discarded once the
    finalist are chosen, However, there is now a suggestion that all the scores were used cumulatively. If this is so, then why this change from the Miss Universe rules?” they asked.

    Additionally, the judge questioned who actually had carriage of the preliminary scores which were collected from the judges before they were handed into the accounting firm of Deloitte and Touche.

    “If these preliminary scores were not handed to them until the pageant that night, who knows what could have happened to those scores. Were all the judges including the preliminary judges invited to view their final scores after the pageant?

    “Also, about three days before the final pageant night, two prominent judges were removed from the event, and replaced with two judges who did not even interview the girls on a one an one basis,” the judge said.

    Since Miss Bahamas was crowned, she has been the blunt of vicious attacks online through networking websites and in emails.

    Source: The Tribune

  14. BUT since yal are convince that the results are accurate.. YES THEY WERE COUNTED CORRECTLY but on the MANAGEMENT side of things no way under the sun Keira won that much prizes. The only one she fully deserve that is TAlent… AND MISS UNIVERSE DONT HAVE TALENT……Miss Universe has: Judges Interview, National Costume, Swim Wear, Evening Gown, Final Question!…Now Keira won Evening gown and Swim wear which i strongly feel she didnt deserve… When Judging Swimwear and Evening gown you must watch TWO THINGS… They are: Body & Gown and also How the contestant walk in it. Keira broke plenty pageantry rules….1. her dress didnt fit her it was made for a taller girl thats why she was kicking the dress trying to walk 2. Never yuck the mic out of the host hands 3. Always make eye CONTACT with the Host, Judges and Audience 4. Never POINT YOUR FINGER like you are in a jungle at the audience or in a drama club. ETCCCCCCCC…………….

  15. @ronica7

    That is very decent of you to think about her as if she were your own daughter and not wanting to forward the video. Some of these young people do make some silly mistakes that they will regret later. We all have made mistakes in our lives, some more severe than others, but I think the most important thing is for us to learn from them.

  16. Wow! That is so unfortunate. I wonder if they still will let her keep her crown.

    ronica7 :
    Yes kim, there is a video circulating with Ms. Sherman, gyrating on a male, and being coerced by the crowd. I had it sent to me but i did not forward it. As a mother of a 27 year old young lady i would not want such a video to be forwarded, if Ms. Sherman was my daughter!

  17. Yes kim, there is a video circulating with Ms. Sherman, gyrating on a male, and being coerced by the crowd. I had it sent to me but i did not forward it. As a mother of a 27 year old young lady i would not want such a video to be forwarded, if Ms. Sherman was my daughter!

  18. COME ON! :
    Yinno this site is bias.. how can you disfranchise a contestant because of her BATHING SUIT and the color of it? and not disfranchise a contestants who does Sing “private dancer” and be dancing on males like she is trying to seduce them…. NOW PERSONALLY thats just entertainment BUT YOU KNOW that if american press got in contact with the videos keira sherman faith will be FINISHED completely.! let me quote from the song “Im ya private dancer, Ill dance for you honey but im only dancing for you… Im ya private dancer, Ill dance for your money but only Big money will do.. I kno you like my sexy body…..”
    THATS NOT A EXAMPLE FOR A QUEEN FOR CHILDREN…. YAL KNOW when the international press get a hand of her dancing and rubing on males and singing private dancer THEY WIL HAVE A FIELD DAY…. SEcondly shes 5?6 theres only 10 to 12 contestants who are 5?7 and LESS.. MISS UNIVERSE soley crown MODELS not short girls with fake A$$ contacts… The whole Miss Bahamas Universe org. is corrupted and BAHAMAINS are not please with Keira as QUEEN and let me remind you The pageant is held here and if she dont have support fromn us who WILL????
    ITS OBVIOUS that the judges wasnt aware of Keira’s winning let alone placing top 5… and LET ME REMIND YOU 3 of the Most qualified judges was NOT ALLOWED to be judges and People like Mathew Marcos who dont know nothing about PAGEANTRY was allowed to be judges…THIS IS A NATIONAL DISGRACE our ONLY SHOT of placing at Miss Universe is shattered!

    What’s up with all the hating? Why should we believe you? Do you have any picture with Kiara doing her lap dancing? We need proof, because right now you want sound like a former contestant, who upset because you did not win. If that is the case, do not gear your anger toward Kiara, because there can only could be one winner, at least you had the courage to enter the pageant.

  19. @COME ON!

    Yinno this site is bias.. how can you disfranchise a contestant because of her BATHING SUIT and the color of it? and not disfranchise a contestants who does Sing “private dancer” and be dancing on males like she is trying to seduce them. NOW PERSONALLY thats just entertainment BUT YOU KNOW that if american press got in contact with the videos keira sherman faith will be FINISHED completely.!

    Sound like you have some damaging video in your possession, lol. If any video “surfaces” at least we know where it came from.

  20. Yinno this site is bias.. how can you disfranchise a contestant because of her BATHING SUIT and the color of it? and not disfranchise a contestants who does Sing “private dancer” and be dancing on males like she is trying to seduce them…. NOW PERSONALLY thats just entertainment BUT YOU KNOW that if american press got in contact with the videos keira sherman faith will be FINISHED completely.! let me quote from the song “Im ya private dancer, Ill dance for you honey but im only dancing for you… Im ya private dancer, Ill dance for your money but only Big money will do.. I kno you like my sexy body…..”

    THATS NOT A EXAMPLE FOR A QUEEN FOR CHILDREN…. YAL KNOW when the international press get a hand of her dancing and rubing on males and singing private dancer THEY WIL HAVE A FIELD DAY…. SEcondly shes 5’6 theres only 10 to 12 contestants who are 5’7 and LESS.. MISS UNIVERSE soley crown MODELS not short girls with fake A$$ contacts… The whole Miss Bahamas Universe org. is corrupted and BAHAMAINS are not please with Keira as QUEEN and let me remind you The pageant is held here and if she dont have support fromn us who WILL????

    ITS OBVIOUS that the judges wasnt aware of Keira’s winning let alone placing top 5… and LET ME REMIND YOU 3 of the Most qualified judges was NOT ALLOWED to be judges and People like Mathew Marcos who dont know nothing about PAGEANTRY was allowed to be judges…THIS IS A NATIONAL DISGRACE our ONLY SHOT of placing at Miss Universe is shattered!

  21. The young lady probably heard all the insults about her only getting 1st runner up bcos of who her father is.What a joke,she is intelligent and beautiful.Well I guess I cannot be a judge of females bcos in my soght all are beautiful.I have never seen a female who I could not find attractive.In my mind the past contest was the best ever and all of the girls are winners.All females use the enhancing bra and makeup or not I dont care.Beautiful Bahamian women my favorite leave her alone.She says its school lets take that as the reason.

  22. See Altec that teaches us a valuable lesson about sitting down discussing people’s picture in depth, I sure hope you have learned your lesson, because I didn’t. Knowing myself, I would probably be caught up in some foolishness like this again…lol….

  23. Altec trust me, I was not going to lose any sleep, because of that remark. If that’s was not what you meant, I thank you for taking the time to explain yourself and there is no love lost on my behalf.

  24. Kim, first of all let me apoligize. I was not referring to Kim Sands. When i said “the fakeness is just IN YOUR FACE” i was referring to how the breast enhancements of this young lady are such a prominent feature in the picture. You simply misread my post, but i wasnt referring to YOU as being fake, i was referring to the “enhancements.”

    How can i make a charge like that against you when i dont even know you? I have read my posts and your replies several times and i dont see how you came to the conclusion that I was referring to you.

    I will try to be more clearer in the future. My apologies.

  25. Altec :

    Kim Sands :@Altec…lol…you are so silly, I was talking about facial features. I think you are to busy looking at other things.[Reply]

    Kim you cant help it. the fakeness is just in your face. its like someone stuff two volleyballs in her chest. those puppies are stiff, standing at attention, not that thats a problem, lol.

    Altec I picked up on the insult, but you know what? It really don’t matter, because you don’t know me and whatever you think about me really don’t means anything to me. I am having a beautiful day, how about you?

  26. Kim Sands :
    …lol…you are so silly, I was talking about facial features. I think you are to busy looking at other things.

    Kim you cant help it. the fakeness is just in your face. its like someone stuff two volleyballs in her chest. those puppies are stiff, standing at attention, not that thats a problem, lol.

  27. Firstly, Theres more to the story……. Gaynelle dont want her queens in school like Sasha…..2.Ife was treated poorly by Gaynell.

  28. Kim Sands :
    She looks just like a younger version of him with a wig.

    you mean to tell me that the good MP has “enhancements” to? Behave Kim, behave. lol.

  29. Kim Sands :

    Altec :

    jelly :but its 1st runner up. why all the hoopla. we all know she only got 1st runner up because who her daddy is.[Reply]

    Who her pa is?

    You can’t see she looks like Alfred Sears?

    Now that u mention it, the nose is a dead give away.

  30. but its 1st runner up. why all the hoopla. we all know she only got 1st runner up because who her daddy is.

  31. Drama King :leave the girl alone!!…..behave! Its the girl’s choice. If she changed her mind about holding a certain title then its her prerogative.

    No skin of my nose, in fact I am glad she stepped down.

  32. I thought that wasnt allowed. i thought one had to be “100% natural,” no medical enhancements to participate in those pageants.

  33. leave the girl alone!!…..behave! Its the girl’s choice. If she changed her mind about holding a certain title then its her prerogative.

  34. Altec :
    Certain parts of her body looks “enhanced.” Not that there is anything wrong with that, lol.

    Those puppies looked like they had more than just a booster shot

  35. I am sure Sears knew what she was getting into. I strongly believed that she wanted the title of Miss Bahamas or nothing! Many students take time away from their studies. I guess Miss Earth Bahamas was not good enough for her!

  36. Cynamon :
    Help me to understand something…..didn’t these girls know when they entered the pageant what winning would involve?

    seems like they just wanted to dress up.

  37. Help me to understand something…..didn’t these girls know when they entered the pageant what winning would involve?

  38. Certain parts of her body looks “enhanced.” Not that there is anything wrong with that, lol.

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