Immigration officers set to walk off the job in protest of new Director Clarence Russell


A Rony Charles was released from prison records show as hundreds with the same name are in the records of immigration!

Director Clarence Russell is unfit for Immigration officers confirm.

Nassau – Breaking news coming into Bahamas Press is now reporting immigration staff is organizing to walk off the job in protest of the new Director of Immigration!

Clarence Russell has landed in hot water with the staff at the government agency after cussing out a senior officer deep inside the accounts department.

Bahamas Press understands the Director, who many suggest is unfit to protect the Bahamas nor work with people, is using his police training everywhere to attack professionals within the department.

“Director Russell has come in here without any knowledge or understanding as to how this entity operates! He is changing systems and revoking decisions and cannot keep the confidential business of the department off the streets! He is dangerous to this departments security. We are not going to stand for this and in short order if this situation does not change we all will leave him to run the immigration department all by himself!”

In one example vacation leave applications have been sitting on the Director’s desk since January 4th! Many of the persons who need to be on holiday for March still have yet to get a simple signature approval from the Director! This is another developing crisis.

Russell, a former police officer, has no people skills and some say he is not as smart as the lowest employee within the department.

Meanwhile, BP is learning there are thousands of identities inside the department records with the names Rony Jean or Rony Charles and one such person was recently released from prison for a serious offence. Could this be why some persons refuse to give the authorities their real names and records?

We report yinner decide!