In defense as to one Peter J. Nygard….

Prime Minister Hubert Minnis and Peter J, Nygard

By Alexander James/ Bahamas Press

RE: To Paul Farquharson Jr. And FNMs

I said Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis Collected money leading into the 2017 General Elections from Mr. PETER NYGARD.

I ALSO STATE for the record that the funds were collected at the Compass Point restaurant where the Dr. Minnis received the funds in person.

I ALSO STATE FOR THE RECORD that in 1992 Mr Nygard was given residence status by the then-Ingraham Government and all approvals to build Nygard Cay were approved of and delivered by Mr Frank Watson, then Deputy PM.

I also want to lay on the record the point that many more sitting FNM MPs, including Mr Duane Sands and Senator Michael Foulkes, were receivers of funds from Mr Nygard and frequented Nygard Cay like thousands of Bahamians, just like you saw visits of PLP candidates.

The point I want to make pellucidedly clear is this: after being in the Bahamas all these many years, not one complaint has been made about rape, hostage holding or any crime being committed on the Nygard Cay to the police. NOT ONE.

His neighbour, however, has encountered murder, death, theft and add another two suspicious deaths at that home and we have yet to hear of any investigations on those, including the suspicious death of Dan Tuckfield whose death has yet to be investigated.

Bahamians, however, must not be lulled this time into this distraction which, back in 2017, led them to a place of depression. Nygard or Nygard Cay will not change their state of unemployment, poverty, high taxes and depression. The topic will not deliver solutions to the pandemic or the crisis. Its poor management by the Minnis Regime that has brought all these into their lives!

The Nygard topic offers no solution to our present ills but is another concocted lie to force observers to retreat from the crisis of rising debt and a lack of investment to deliver hope into our econony.

Bahamians must reject the lies, deflections and distractions and focus on the solutions that will make life better for them.

We report yinner decide!