Indian and Haitian Migrants Apprehended In Bahamain Waters


Two Indians and 116 Haitians were apprehended safely in Bahamian waters. The passage of human refugees smuggled into The Bahamas on unworthy sea vessels registered and owned by Bahamians continue. These same vessels continue to endanger the lives of innocent victims. Horror stories entail how the ship captain would force refugees to jump overboard into violent waters just off the shores of Bahamian lands. Four victims followed a similar episode last week and drowned in waters just off New Providence. The four Haitian bodies were in a sense victims of MURDER ON THE HIGH SEAS OF THE BAHAMAS, and again The Bahamas, being one of the world’s largest registry of vessels, APPEARS STILL NOT ABLE to save the innocent. Almost everyday those refugees are falling pray to this practise of ‘SAVAGE HUMAN SLAUGHTER!’ Many of those drowned at sea have been women and children, whose bodies have washed ashore along beaches in The Bahamas. We must remember, many of the vessels also pass a check point in the southern Bahamas. However, today, no one can still say who are the registered owners of these ‘UNSEAWORTHY VESSELS’ who dock in the Habour of New Providence. Vessels whose captains throw human lives overboard to be swallowed by a hungry raging sea. However, these same vessels make certain that drugs and guns are move safely in secret.

Nassau Bahamas – A total of one hundred and sixteen (116) Haitian migrants and two (2) Nationals from India are currently detained at the Detention Center after being apprehended in the Central Bahamas by the Royal Bahamas Defence Force Sunday afternoon.

While on routine patrol, HMBS P-42 under the command of Petty Officer Humphrey Gomez spotted a 40-ft Haitian sail sloop approximately a half-mile northwest of Elbow Cay, in the Exuma Chains. A routine search of the vessel uncovered the large number of immigrants onboard the vessel. HMBS Inagua was called in to assist with the transport of the migrants. The migrants were later transferred aboard both Defence Force craft, and were brought into the Coral Harbour Base early Monday morning. They (101 males and 17 females) all appeared to be in good health, and were turned over to Immigration authorities for further processing.