ronda-bain-1-copyNassau, Bahamas — As recently broadcasted, Bahamas Press presents Part One of an expose on PM Hubert Ingraham’s “goon squad,” as he continues to put his most dangerous “goons” in place to further tighten his ham-fisted grip on the nation.

Bahamas Press has been monitoring appointments to government by PM Ingraham long enough. From Bahamas Press’ perch, all—yes—ALL, have some politically skewed and scatter-logical underpinnings.

Bahamas Press appreciates and accepts that political appointments are the plums that supporters work for; as well as these plums, by any other name, is what a government must give out in order for party policies toward governing are protected and advanced.

Bahamas Press, however, cannot, does not and will not appreciate that qualifications for positions that are critical to the effective running of a nation’s essential services, should find a design that comes from out of the mind of one person. That kind of dastardly,bordering on deranged, behavior has spawned many a dictatorship and if unchecked, has brought genocide on a nation’s people.

Bahamas Press states without fear or trepidation, that is time for nationwide dissent against PM Ingraham’s “goon squad.” Bahamas Press asks our readers if Ingraham’s “goon squad” will poison the justice system now that he has just about finished the placement of his top goons in key positions?

Bahamas Press cannot tell our readers at what point they should reach a conclusion of yea or nay. But Bahamas Press does suggest that one should never wait for all the bricks to free fall on one’s head to figure out that in totality—a ton is already in flight.

Bahamas Press also wants to make it abundantly clear that this is not a question to determine how many supporters a party has—the subject is too perilous for dialogue divided along party lines. This is not a political question—it is a character question based on the past and present actions of those making up the goon squad and whether the pattern of behavior thus far gives any clue to what could happen in the future. Let us begin—Rhonda Bain—step front and center!

Bahamas Press would find it difficult for any sane person to question whether Rhonda Bain has knowledge of written laws, its designed purpose and the strict applications of the same. Bahamas Press does, however, question her knowledge of moral laws (that are grounded in spiritual principles), when her record of decision making, to-date, shines a high beamed light on her true character. Consider this brief expose on Rhonda Bain.

  1. She has been an Ingraham goon from the days of Christie, Ingraham and Co.
  2. She, wittingly or unwittingly bolstered up her personal security through the birth of twins whose father is Ingraham’s most loyal support outside the political realm and has the wealth to back up whatever Ingraham or he says.
  3. As Ingraham reached the pinnacle of leadership, she ultimately moved on to a cushy plus perks perks job at Bahamar, though she started her own law firm (strange?).
  4. She left Bahamar and moved right down the street to Ingraham’s private law firm.
  5. She is now headed for or has already arrived at The Supreme Court for duties assigned to a Supreme Court Justice.

Bahamas Press asks our readers is this the person that should be adjudicating on the life, limb or liberty of anyone? BP has to conclude NO a thousand times. Rhonda Bain’s decision-making, as stated above, thus far is too scary to even want to hear about again.

Bahamas Press will be back with another goon in Part Two.


  1. Here we go again. We need to be able to make objective comments rather than worrying who’s supporter am I. That comment makes all other arguments shallow. Its not who’s right, but what’s right. Who I support or do not support is not an issue. Facts are facts. Stop reducing sober discussion with pettiness and tribalism.

  2. bakesboy :While I am a fan of BP, I cannot support you this time. You may not have all of the information. The fact is that Sir Burton approached Rhonda Bain during the Christie years with a recommendation that the Judicial Commission wanted her to serve as a Supreme Court judge. Mr. Christie (then PM) approached Mr. Ingraham who supported her because they both know of her hard work and brilliance in the field of law. While she was at Christie Ingraham & Co. she was the backbone of the firm and did most of their legal work behind the scenes, allowing Christie, Ingraham and Davis to concentrate more on politics. Mr. Christie took too long to act, so Ms. Bain accepted an offer from BahMar. When Mr. Christie got around to agreeing to the move, she refused him because she had committed herself to BarMar. That is what happened.In your quest to spread news, you sometimes don’t get it right. Remember to, Ms. Bain is not a politician and should not be perceived as such. I think she will strenghten the bench.

    Obviously you are an HI follower!! How do I know you might ask?? Well, only HI repeatedly says BahMar/BarMar…. It is BahaMar!!! Get it right you HI follower!!!

  3. While I am a fan of BP, I cannot support you this time. You may not have all of the information. The fact is that Sir Burton approached Rhonda Bain during the Christie years with a recommendation that the Judicial Commission wanted her to serve as a Supreme Court judge. Mr. Christie (then PM) approached Mr. Ingraham who supported her because they both know of her hard work and brilliance in the field of law. While she was at Christie Ingraham & Co. she was the backbone of the firm and did most of their legal work behind the scenes, allowing Christie, Ingraham and Davis to concentrate more on politics. Mr. Christie took too long to act, so Ms. Bain accepted an offer from BahMar. When Mr. Christie got around to agreeing to the move, she refused him because she had committed herself to BarMar. That is what happened.
    In your quest to spread news, you sometimes don’t get it right. Remember to, Ms. Bain is not a politician and should not be perceived as such. I think she will strenghten the bench.

  4. BP I totally agree with your findings and to confirm your assessment on Ingraham, just look at the slate of people from around the family islands who are to be honored by the queen… “ALL FNM’S” I wonder really where to find the right in all of this. Was it that Christie was just that diplomatic and allowed only Bahamians deserving of such honors emerge or is Ingraham just that kiniving but loyal to the people who supports him and the hell with true service to country…. and honor his people anyway….

  5. BP, the sad truth here is that unfortunately, for every Rhonda Bains in the FNM, there is a matching one in the PLP. This is the part of patronage that destroys this country. I was surprised you didn’t mention the fact that Rhonda’s brothers “Bain Boy” and John are now supposedly PLPs and that her offspring are key players in forming the Hitler Youth-like wing of the Torchbearers. Boy I tell ya. You earned an A for this on BP because you nailed it on just how dangerous this broad is.

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