Ingraham attacks Peet but now set to do the same


Former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham

Elected to Parliament but to shame to serve

Nassau, Bahamas — Former Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Hubert Ingraham is making it bad for his party as, since the opening of Parliament, he has refused to attend sessions of the Lower House and represent the people of North Abaco.

Since getting elected Mr. Ingraham has refused to go on record on the floor of the Parliament and thank the people of the constituency he was elected to represent eight consecutive times. Ingratitude is a sin!

Readers would remember how, during a rally back in March, only weeks before the General Elections, the former Prime Minister went on record scolding former MP for North Andros and the Berry Islands, Vincent Peet, for not attending Parliament.

At that rally recorded in the Nassau Guardian on March 30th, the North Abaco MP raised the question of the Treasury paying Peet for his prolong absence from the Lower House.

Ingraham added: “In accordance with the House Rules written and put in place by the PLP, if a Member of Parliament is absent from the House without leave for a period of 90 days, he automatically vacates his seat.”

The former Prime Minister added that Peet had left his seat from Nov. 30th, 2011 to March 1st, 2012. Mr. Ingraham then told the public that his government would, “deal with the question of pay” for Mr. Peet.

Fast track those statements by Mr. Ingraham to the present. Since Parliament opened on May 22nd, Ingraham has abandoned the chamber and has not even signed in to show he is present for any sitting.

Mr. Ingraham refused to wait and listen to the Governor General at the opening of the House. He refused to thank the Governor General. He failed to thank the people of North Abaco, and by extension the people of the Bahamas, from the floor of the Parliament. How ungrateful!

UNBELIEVABLE! For historian no such address will be recorded from a man who has been Prime Minister for 15 of the last 20 years!

Concern should weigh in now as to how Ingraham could collect pay from the people he refuses to represent? He is collecting a salary to represent the people of North Abaco but refuses to attend PARLIAMENT!

He also collects a monthly Constituency Allowance, but has no office open in North Abaco.

Bahamas Press reported Sunday the former Prime Minister intends to remain in his North Abaco seat. We at BP are telling Ingraham to STOP BEING A COWARD and explain to the people of this country how a road project ended up in over 100 million in overruns!

We report yinner decide!