Ingraham deserves an A+ for Firing Education Minister Carl Bethel


brent-and-carl<<< They can now pose themselves as “The ABC TEAM‘. From right to left are Hubert Alexander, Brent Synomette and Carl Bethel,  the new leadership face of the FNM.

Nassau, Bahamas — There’s one thing we at Bahamas Press would give Hubert Ingraham praise for and it is for him tossing out of his Cabinet the ‘stinkest’ egg out of the rotten bunch, Carl ‘Undernourished’ Bethel.

We at Bahamas Press give the PM an A+ for kicking from the lot this ‘Pedophile Protector’. We credit him for taking out this ‘hoodrat’, this red munchkin, this pink lip chimney who turned the ministry of education into a frightening circus and public spectacle. Children across the length and breadth of our country can now breathe a shy of relief knowing that the man who declared them ‘UNDERNOURISHED’ is gone from the helm of Education.

Officers at education were so happy to hear the news of Bethel’s departure, this coming week a special party is planned at MOLD CENTRAL to celebrate the occasion.039237900

We became sick and tied of Bethel’s ‘Wutlessness’ as a minister. We know he was incapable of fulfilling the job from the beginning, and here’s why. Since May 8, 2008, we’ve called on the Prime Minster to fire the rascal who allowed his 17-year-old son to rape a 13-year-old girl the once prestigious Queen’s College.

Bethel not only covered up that scandal but also attempted to cover up the incident at Eight Mile Rock High School. When the story of pedophilia first broke at EMRH Bethel authorized acting director, Lionel Sands and later ZNS reporter Clint Watson to communicate that there was “NO CASE” or anything criminal at EMRH, knowing full well that the students, the parents and Grand Bahama activist Troy Garvey all had informed on the incidents and confirmed to him that they had indeed occur. The minister did all he could to hide the truth to the disgust of parents. He refused to meet with teachers and school officials at the site of the crimes. This was incredible! Bethel attempted to cover up those ‘VICKED’ acts against children and we knew the day was coming for his fall.

090970500Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham now knows what we knew happened at the Eight Mile Rock High School. We told you our loyal readers when this ordeal began; a clandestine pack of pedophile lovers headed by, Andre Birbal, molested more than 20 boys at the school.

Carl Bethel’s ministry we also knew oversaw the payment of Birbal when he was relieved from his duties and was to report to authorities until an investigation was completed. But after Bethel’s ministry paid Birbal, he escaped to Florida.

We reported Birbal’s capture in the summer of this year, tracking him down in the terminals of New York and guess what, the Attorney General’s office in agreement with the Cabinet of The Bahamas decided NOT to pursue justice and return Birbal back to The Bahamas to face charges for his crimes.

Bahamas Press recorded an official from the AG office who confirmed this fact saying, “We decided not to return him to the Bahamas because it was too expensive.”

That officer however declined to further make comment to the matter after we pointed out the fact that the same AG office had confirmed to the media how it had filed papers for Madison Pugh and quickly went to the US for Troyniko McNeil. So why not after Birbal’s capture was the same done for him by AG? Why didn’t this heartless Ingraham government do the same for the CHILDREN OF EMRH? How is it for a second time this WUTLESS INGRAHAM Government allowed justice to fail all those young children of Grand Bahama, again? And yet they have the gall to suggest they are FOR the young? Bahamas Press cries SHAME on this WUTLESS DUTTY bunch of rotten eggs!

They’ve failed the children. They’ve failed the young people and they’ve failed this NATION!


  1. Submitted on 2009/05/21 at 9:59pm

    Another Probe

    Freeport News Reporter

    Police confirmed yesterday that another male teacher from the Eight Mile Rock High School (EMRHS) was taken in for questioning and is currently assisting police with their investigation of reported unlawful sexual misconduct at that institution.

    Reports reaching the newsroom suggested that the teacher was taken in sometime yesterday morning. When contacted, Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police Marvin Dames confirmed that a male teacher is in fact assisting police with their ongoing investigation into previously reported sexual misconduct between teac-hers and students.

    Dames, however, said the teacher is just in for questioning and at this stage of the investigation no charges are said to be forthcoming.

    “This was one of those matters that was always on the table but we are just at the stage in the investigations where we are talking to people trying to move the investigations forward,” Dames said.

    Two weeks ago international police were successful in capturing Andre Birbal, the former art teacher at EMRHS who is accused of unnatural sex with two former male students.

    Birbal was on the run from local police for five weeks before he was stopped in New York for a traffic violation.

    The Attorney General’s Office is now seeking to have Birbal brought back to The Bahamas, where he is expected to face criminal charges surrounding the alleged sexual incidences.

    The AG’s Office has until July 2 to formally present an extradition application to the United States for Birbal’s return.

    Director of Public Prosecu-tions in the office of the AG, Bernard Turner, reported that the treaty between The Bahamas and the United States provides that a provisional arrest for Birbal can be sought pending an extradition application.

    The length of this procedure all depends on the U.S. court system and even though the alleged incidences occurred in Grand Bahama, no decision has been made to say if Birbal will be brought to Grand Bahama or New Providence.

    Meanwhile, police promised for more than a month ago to release information on the female teacher who was allegedly involved in sexual misconduct with a twelfth grade male student. After numerous attempts to get that information, police still say that it will be given “soon.”

    The incidences of sexual misconduct at EMRHS have garnered much political attention in recent weeks.

    Ministry of Education officials implemented new procedures to deal with sexual matters in schools after coming under fire from the general public and members of the Opposition in the House of Assembly.

    A Select Committee then was appointed to review and consider all matters pertaining to allegations of sexual abuse and sexual molestation at the EMRHS.

    The committee will also conduct an inquiry into the Ministry of Education’s procedures and protocols relative to allegations of sexual abuse, sexual molestation and any form of sexual misconduct in the public school system. Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham said that 15 teachers are under investigation in the public school system and all of them are still employed by the government.

  2. I don’t know if the Prime minister plays chess but the moves are great.
    Rashad Amahad

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